Year 5 - 113

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All the things she had said were still running through his head. The house, the rings, the 'untouchables', oddly enough - the big fireplace - and the charmed notebooks. Seeing as he couldn't owl his father with all his questions (Draco had hidden his letter paper just so he wouldn't fall victim to temptation), he had decided to take all the matters into his own hands. The lad had spent good two hours raiding the library for all the books that could help him and made a plan of curling up in the confines of his dorm to go through all of them during the weekend. As much as Draco loved to challenge his brain, he had always hated not knowing something - which on themselves were two terribly contradicting ideas - therefore he had to find his answers as fast as he could.

That inevitably turned out to be a great disappointment for figuring out the mystery of Astrid Ninomae had never been an easy or a fast task. Pay in mind all the years she had intrigued him, Draco should've known that his research would eventually just come to even more questions.

Draco Malfoy was stood by the librarian's desk, explaining just why he needed to take out all of the books he had picked out, when he heard a low chuckle he had learned to recognize anywhere. Simultaneously, the librarian gave a deep sigh and agreed to give him the books for she simply didn't have the energy to argue with the notorious blonde and as she checked out the books, Draco got a chance to look around to try and spot the girl he hadn't noticed before.

He glanced around, at first not noticing her at all and wondering that perhaps he had just overheard, when just as he was about to turn back around, out of the corner of his eye he noticed a movement of a brunette head from whose hands that had been pressed against said head, glimmered a bit of silver. Quickly Draco whipped his head around to look at her, what he saw instantly bringing a great frown to his face.

Exes. There Astrid Ninomae was standing shoulder to shoulder with none other Mike Hallminster, whom, for the record, Draco had been under the impression he had successfully gotten rid of by not taking him on the team. But no. There the lad was, standing shoulder to shoulder with his girl and looking over some piece of parchment, both their brows furrowed in concentration.

"You're good to go," Madam Pince spoke up and Draco merely glanced her way before showing her to wait with his hand and storming up to the table the two exes had made themselves comfortable by.

Draco simply couldn't stand the dude. 

The chair screeched loudly as Draco pulled it back before taking a seat, his hands fisted and crossed over the table in front of him. "Need any help with that?" His voice was cold, the glare he sent Hallminster's way even colder.

The two teens looked up at him from the parchment and where one instantly glared right back, the other looked back at the paper oblivious.

"Yes, actually," Ninomae spoke, scratching her temple in thought. "We can't make sense of- the Moonstone essay we have to write... Snape assigned me the question of why it shines. And... We can't figure it out. It's not described in any of these books."

Draco's glare only deepened at her words as he narrowed his eyes at the older boy. Because like hell he wouldn't know that Moonstones shone from themselves because of all the sun energy they had accumulated over the years of their development. Originally reflecting the light, like the Moon, only to later develop into energy-filled gems themselves. His jaw clenched and Draco raised one eyebrow at the older boy in question who he was sure knew the answer for a question that was always included in the OWLs and therefore always known by anyone who had already completed them.

Getting no answer, Astrid looked up from the parchment again and the second her eyes locked onto the two glaring lads a short chuckle slipped past her lips. "Rosier would say it reeks of testosterone here."

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