Year 5 - 104

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"Good morning..." Daphne drawled the second she saw Astrid walk in and settle down next to her by their table in History of Magical class.

Sat at the very back Professor Binns hadn't even noticed Astrid Ninomae had arrived late.

"Morning," she smiled, bringing out her books in front of her, though instead of opening them, she simply laid her head over them.

"Long night, huh?" Daphne kept smirking as Astrid yawned, a strand of hair falling right over her mouth, making her nearly lick it. "How do you even leave so that I never notice?" 

The previous night Astrid had sneaked out to have some one-on-one time with Malfoy in the common room. The blonde's few hours of when he was supposed to be doing rounds were forever used by the two teens for they knew nobody but them would be up that time of the night. Astrid had never imagined she'd be losing sleep over something as trivial as smooching, but there she was, lo and behold, smooching with none other than the one she had forever despised.

Whenever the girl thought of all that was turning upside down in her life she simply wanted to laugh.

"It would make it loads less interesting if I just told you," Astrid wet her lips and then jumped her brows, slowly looking over to the side at Malfoy. 

She watched the way his eyes changed focus from the professor and back to his parchment as he listened and scribbled down notes. His brows pressed together, the girl could imagine him disagreeing with something the professor had said. There was no surprise on her point when she watched him actually do raise his hand to interrupt.

Watching the lad question the teacher, the way his lips parted, his nose scrunched a little and the way his fingers tapped over the table irritatedly as he listened to the answer of the professor with which he surely disagreed with, Astrid's mind trailed off to a memory of one of the nights they had lounged about in the common room.

Melting in a puddle from the sensation of Malfoy's lips against hers she had been terribly disappointed to feel him pull away, jumping to his feet. Cold air engulfing her body had gotten even colder once she saw him glare down on her, scrunching his nose similarity as to how he was doing in class. For a small moment, Astrid had gotten terribly worried about what she had done wrong for she had been extremely careful not to touch his hair, knowing that always angered him. Laying there, seeing his enraged expression, she almost convinced herself that perhaps she had accidentally touched it. But her worries got quickly subsided when the lad looked to the side behind the couch she laid on and sent her a pointed look which she instantly translated as one that meant to play along. The sound of footsteps had then become unmistakable. He had yelled at her that he had already told her trice to go back to her dorm. She had gone with her first idea and played intoxicated as she declared she didn't want to go upstairs for she wanted to sleep on the couch. Their argument got loud and ridiculous really quickly and while going through with it, both could only hope the second-year wasn't very well aware of how people acted when they were drunk, because the second Astrid whined a loud "I can't walk the stairs, I'm drunk," her voice squeaking a little at the end, indicating just how stupid she believed she sounded, it was a clear giveaway she was in fact not drunk. Luckily though, the second-year had been too startled by the loud argument in the first place, to even pay any real attention to the details.


Astrid turned back to her, lazily leant back in her seat friend.

"Okay, okay, come here," Astrid motioned with her hand, leaning over a bit. Daphene moved her ear closer too expecting her fine to reveal the grand secret. "So get this, I climb out of bed and..." she paused for dramatic effect, "walk outside."

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