Year 3 - 18

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The first day of school and she was already pissed.

Astrid had been contemplating for the whole morning whether she was mean enough to steal some of Malfoy's candies and whether they were worth doing such a deed. But storming out of the Great Hall at breakfast she had no doubt in mind anymore. The prick didn't deserve these heavenly things one bit.

"I forgot something in my room," she told Daphne taking a step in a different direction from where their first divination lesson was to be held.

To be honest, Astrid had been quite excited for the day. First day back, first Divination, first Care for Magical Creatures. She had thought it had been destined to be a good day. That clearly hadn't been the case.

She stormed all the way down to the dungeons in a more hurried pace than she usually walked in as she didn't want to miss the beginning of the class. Astrid spoke the password and upon entering the common room headed straight for the boys' dormitories. 

She already had her story down if Malfoy attempted to accuse her of a robbery. She had simply found the silk sack laying in the common room and claimed it as her own. If anything she could always bring up how he stole somebody's Christmas gift last year, which in her opinion was worse. After all, what were a few candies compared to some probably very expensive jewellery... Most Slytherins were rich, so it must've been expensive, especially if one can leave it hanging around so openly.

She didn't even try to be quiet when she spoke 'alohomora' and entered the room. No one ever had their first period free so she had nothing to worry about. The strong smell of the room left her breathless for a second. It was clear that it was morning, and clear that none of the boys had gone easy with their cologne. This was the one time Astrid actually wished their rooms had proper windows because she personally had no clue how they would get the smell out. She knew there should be at least some air ventilation system but anyway...

 It wasn't hard to locate the candies as they just stood on the chest of drawers by what she supposed was Malfoy's bed. Looking around the room she was surprised about how tidy all the boys were. Not a single corner of sheets out of place. It was fascinating. 

Astrid grabbed the sack, leaving just a few candies still on the table, as she buried it deep inside the pocket of her robes and walked outside, locking the door once more.

The girl hoped and prayed she didn't smell like a boy just then, as that would be a painfully obvious giveaway.

Hastily Astrid rushed to the North Tower and was slightly out of breath when she arrived. She hadn't been late, which was good because neither would she get in trouble on her first day of school, neither would she miss the one class she was most looking forward to. She had heard others say it was all rubbish but she personally was quite excited to predict some future or do some horoscope stuff. Besides, she didn't want to be the one to get discouraged just because others didn't like it. She strongly believed that she should always be the judge of the things around her herself.

"Welcome, my children," professor Trelawney spoke and a small smile instantly broke onto Astrid's face as the teacher stood up slightly bumping into the table in front of her. Her goggles and crazy hair did make her look a little crazy, but to Astrid, it kind of felt like a cool kind of crazy. She looked over her classmates as the professor continued her introduction and seeing the repulsed look on Malfoy's face Astrid decided finally that she was going to like the teacher very much. 

She couldn't see why others would dislike her, except for writing her off for her rather disheveled look. Personally, Astrid thought that was stupid. The teacher seemed very open and nice and Astrid herself was very very excited.

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