Year 4 - 59

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The four girls were walking down a Hogwarts corridor, a trail of water following after them.

Trembling and shaking the girls stopped at the crossroads and the spot where Hermione would be leaving them.

"Thank you, girls," she spoke sincerely, as she pushed a wet strand of hair out of her face, "this was very fun."

Astrid huffed playfully. "Well, obviously. I always have the best ideas."

Daphne and Rosier exchanged a glance raising their eyebrows and then looking back at Astrid who simply chuckled. "Oh, piss off!"

"You load are much nicer than I ever expected you to be," Hermione continued and Astrid had to laugh at her innocence. Of curse, the night they had spent had been very fun but the three Slytherin girls were anything but nice. At least by the common public's standards. 

"How so?" Astrid questioned at the same time as Rosier inquired an: "is it because we're Slytherins?"

"Yes," Hermione answered having acquired some of the bluntness the girls had, after spending the time with them.

"Maybe this will teach you not to discriminate others by their houses," Rosier challenged with sass making Hermione tilt her head in similar mocking confidence.

"Coming from a pureblood." 

To an onlooker, it might've appeared the two were about to argue, but among them, it was evident they were only teasing one another.

"Hey," Rosier chuckled, in much higher spirits than anyone had ever seen her be. "At least I hate everyone equally."

They laughed softly once more, just standing where they stood; cold water dripping from their dresses, down their legs and onto the equally cold ground. The snow in their hair also melting and sending shivers down their spines as it dripped down their backs.

Suddenly, startling everyone involved, Hermione pulled the three Slytherin girls in a tight embrace. It felt odd as the girls themselves shared hugs quite rarely, never feeling the need for such a showcase of affection.

"'Till another night," Hermione spoke as she pulled away and took a step backwards.

"Night?" Astrid raised an eyebrow teasingly as she spoke rather amused.

"Can't be seen with a Slytherdork during the day," she shrugged making the three other girls gasp.

"Hey," Daphne started, "that's our nickname for the Gryffindors."

Hermione shrugged, sending them another grin and then turning to trek back up to the Gryffindor tower while the other girls exchanged yet another glance. 

Thinking back on the day days later, Hermione wouldn't be able to understand how she had managed to blend in so well with the girls for that night. She wouldn't be able to believe all the rules she had successfully broken and all the fun she had had.  She'd be surprised at how enjoyable the childish insulting banter the Slytherin girls always held up had been and more so she'd be surprised at how much different they appeared on the days following.

In the general public's eye, during their school days, they were almost completely different people. Chins held snobbishly high as if they hadn't been rolling around in the snow like some children just a wee bit ago. Sitting quietly as if they weren't among the chattiest and bubbly group Hermione had ever met. Defending one another in petty arguments as if they hadn't been there saying the same things to one another just a few days back.

Astrid Ninoame was no less a mystery to Hermione Granger even after the time they had spent together. Now having seen a different side of the girl it was almost as if she was an even bigger enigma than she had been before.

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