Year 2 - 2

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It was Monday, the last class of the day and Astrid was on the verge of falling asleep as she waited for their new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor to arrive. Astrid had spent the weekend in and out of the hospital wing as Madam Pomfrey healed all her bruises and on that Monday morning, she felt as if she had been reborn. Now her bum was sore from sitting all day and she couldn't wait to get back to her dorm. Not that that would be much better because that Monday was the day of her first quidditch practice and she would have to leave her room shortly after getting changed.

She heard the doors to the tiny room at the back of the classroom open as Gilderoy Lockhart sauntered out flipping the robes behind his back. The man was handsome, Astrid had to admit, but his childish arrogance made him look stupid. Other girls didn't seem to notice that though as they all looked at him with admiration. Even Daphne switched her gaze from looking at her nails and watched the professor start the class.

"Isn't he just stunning?" Astrid heard Daphne coo from the seat beside her as the new professor introduced himself.

"Yes," Astrid said as the professor started handing them out their first test of the year. She found it odd that they would have a test without even having a proper lesson first but when she saw the first question all she could do was roll her eyes. That was not a D.A.D.A. test but rather one to test their knowledge on their celebrity professor. Stupid.

"He looks dense," Astrid heard Malfoy groan in the seat behind hers where he was sitting with Pansy next to him.

The girl hardly left Malfoy's side and as amusing it was to watch Malfoy squirm under her touch, it quite annoyed Astrid.

"Like you're the one to say," Astrid said turning in her seat to look Malfoy dead in the eye.

"I can't believe you, girls, like an idiot like him," he said crossing his arms as their new professor sat down in his chair at the front of the classroom. 

"If anyone has forgotten where they have heard about my deepest wishes in life than that was in one of my books, 'The Depth of Spells and the Reactions Within Me'."

"It's pathetic," he said again and Astrid shook her head.

"I only find you attractive, Draco," Pansy purred next to him as she grabbed his hand. 

"You see, Malfoy, your girlfriend likes you. Why would you need any other girl's approval?"

"Pansy's not my girlfriend," he said swiftly shaking off her hands, "and I don't need anybody's approval."

"Jealous girls don't find your slimy hair appealing?"

Before Malfoy would come up with a retort Astrid suddenly felt a wand land on her shoulder. There stood Lockhart looking at Malfoy and Astrid disapprovingly. 

"Since you two have seemed to be finished, you'll be our first two volunteers."

He swiftly turned on his heel whipping his robes on Astrid's face. Astrid and Draco exchanged a glance before sitting back in their seats.

"Now!" Lockhart exclaimed loudly making Daphne jump in her seat, "be warned it is my job to arm you against the foulest creatures known to wizardkind." Lockhart tapped his wand against the big cage he had brought into the classroom while Malfoy and Ninomae had been bickering. "You may find yourselves facing your worst fears in this room. Know only that no harm can befall you whilst I am here. I must ask you not to scream," he said raising his hand to lift the blanket off the cage to reveal what was beneath. Astrid found herself holding her breath. "It might provoke them," Lockhart yelled and with one swift motion pulled the blanket off.

The small, screaming, blue creatures looked terrifyingly cute as Astrid watched them with amusement rather than fear. She had expected something utterly terrifying to be in that cage but these small beings didn't look like they could do you much harm.

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