Year 2 - 5

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Dear, Astrid.

Darling, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING? You can't use language like that in a classroom. You cannot say that word EVER, ANYWHERE. Don't you realize how embarrassed I am to receive a letter from your professor that you've been completely out of control? Charming a boy to his chair? Why would you ever do that? Where have your manners gone? Has magic completely drained you from all your common sense? Nothing like that ever happened back home. You were such a good little girl and now this... If I ever hear about anything like that happening again, you, young lady, are coming straight back HOME.

Don't listen to your mother, dear. What she's trying to say is that we're a wee bit worried about you. And we are wondering what could be the cause of such actions. Whatever happened, violence and foul language is not the way to solve it.

We both love you very very much and we both miss you. It's rather quiet without you at home and we can't wait for Christmas when we'll finally see you again. 

Lots of love, Mum and Dad.

Astrid sighed. She knew the scolding was inevitable but she had wished that maybe they wouldn't have actually gotten mad. Eric had told her many stories of how he himself involved himself in different mishaps when he was younger and she thought it unfair that he was being so hypocritical. She also doubted her mother had never done anything of that sort. What kids didn't break the rules time after time? The boring ones, for sure...

But she was glad she hadn't received a howler. That would've been catastrophic. Sitting there by the breakfast table where everyone would hear. She'd have to flee the country.

Astrid was putting the letter back in the envelope when she noticed a smaller note. She took it out intrigued.

Your mother was checking what I would write to you in our conjoined letter and she didn't want me to tell you this, but, you did great. Malfoy's are cowards and whatever was the reason I'm sure the boy deserved it. Keep your head high, love, and don't be shy to involve yourself in other such shenanigans. Just don't get caught next time. ;)

Love, Dad.

Astrid smiled. For the first time in the past 48 hours, she actually smiled.

"Have you finally stopped being mad?" she heard Daphne's desperate voice call from a spot beside her. Ever since the breakfast incident, Astrid had been ignoring her friend.

"No," Astrid said, her face shifting into a frown once again. 

"Why can't you just stop?" Daphne whined. "I can't not talk to you. I'll have to actually tell everything to Blaise and- well, I already kinda do but you know, there's some things he just doesn't understand. He's not a girl, unfortunately. And I have so many questions too."

"You are a prejudiced fool and I want nothing to do with somebody like you," Astrid said her chin held high.

"Ash..." Daphne started but was stopped by Maggie walking up to the table and squeezing herself between the two girls.

"So, please report, how was the cookie? Naturally, I tried to wake you up last evening to ask about it but you were proper passed out."

"Yeah, no shite. The bloody cookie almost killed meh," Astrid glared back.

"I will have to work out the timing issue," Maggie sighed as she turned and grabbed a piece of toast. "Would you-"

"You should try the other one," Daphne interrupted Maggie as the latter had been reaching after a piece of cheese. "Nobody ever takes it, well... because... nobody ever takes it. But I swear it's way better."

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