Year 5 - 106

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I was wondering when you'd come about to writing to us again. Your mother was worried. Don't presume that you have the authority to not respond to her letters, son. 

Now in response to what you wrote about. I'm glad you've taken upon forming a useful student organisation. Though I have to say, for the millionth time, Draco, that you have to quit attempting to undermine Potter. You make Malfoys look like fools. Not only that but I have heard that you have been breaching some of the Inquisitor's rules about-

Draco skimmed past the next part of the reprimanding, for he had learned it did nothing but bring his mood down.

He inhaled a shaky breath, concentrating on the part about how his father was glad of what he had done. Lucius wasn't glad of the things he did too often and Draco couldn't help but excitedly hold onto that one string of words.

-what is with the avoidance of prefect duties Severus tells me of? Much like with the mentioned before, I better not find out you have been doing something Mother and I would disapprove of - 

Draco's heart skipped a beat as he read the sentence, the same as his foot misstepped once he stepped over the threshold of his dorm, making him stumble and nearly fall down to the ground. 

His father couldn't possibly know, could he?

A loud cackle erupted from Theo's mouth as he had witnessed the obvious stumble and he asked if the boy was alright, only to be met with an annoyed scoff for him to shut up.

 -disobedience of your current authority is unacceptable- 

Draco skimmed the remainder of the letter and read it over again twice. 

Surely the man wouldn't say he's glad of something if he knew of Draco's relationship with Ninomae... but then again... it had felt like a threat.

-mother says you should write to us more often,
Lucius Malfoy

He plopped down on the one empty bed in their room - the one below Theo's - too lazy to crawl up to his own as he read the letter again.

 I better not find out you have been doing something Mother and I would disapprove of 

Draco lowered his head and shut his eyes, holding the back of his neck with both his hands as he pulled at the end of his hairs desperately.

something Mother and I would disapprove of

Whatever that had meant Draco felt he was screwed. 

"You're not coming then, mate?" Theo questioned as he and the other three guys of the room stood by the door.

The boys had planned on a study session in the library. As much as he had been looking forward to taunting Goyle about being an idiot, Draco didn't feel like entertaining himself at all anymore.

The blonde shook his head lightly, looking at the letter again.

I'm glad you made the organisation but I know you've been screwing up in a different way. Fix it.

"Get me Ninomae."

"Ouu, I see..." Goyle spoke, earning a low wolf-whistle from Theo as well.

"No," Draco spoke lowly. Once he raised his head, the glare he was sending about was a clear indication the rest of them were bound to leave. And quickly.

When Draco stood up to pace the room, biting down at the end of his thumb in thought, it had already been cleared out. The thuds of water against the window in his room felt more prominent, thudding at his brain the same as did the stress of the knowledge that his father might be onto something. Draco couldn't find a way to explain himself if the man had somehow found out. What could possibly be the reasoning for snogging a half-blood AND a Ninomae?

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