Year 4 - 56

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(edit. my dumb ass forgot to add the song. it's 2 am so pardon me for that. anyway, this is the song that plays for what you'll find out if you keep reading *winky face* *yawn* 'goodnight')

(edit no. 2 - if i don't dance to this at my wedding, i'm not coming)

One thing Astrid had noticed had changed since when they had been much younger was that interhousial relationships weren't as odd of a thing any longer. It was as if most had grown out of the prejudiced presumption that one should only mingle with the ones from their own house. Going to classes with them for years, growing up with these people, many opinions changed. 

Not all Slytherins were mean and evil. Not all Hufflepuffs were nice and boring. Not all Ravenclaws were stuck up nerds. And not all Gryffindors were idiots with a hero-complex.

Coming to terms with such things was the main reason for the interhousial relationships to begin developing without any major complications. Although Gryffindors and Slytherins would still never willingly be in less than 2-metre proximity of the other.

That was exactly why one would see so many unusual pairings on the night of the Yule Ball. 

Much to Tracey's dismay her darling crush Cedric Diggory had come to the ball with a  Ravenclaw Cho Chang. Tracey Davis herself had agreed on an invitation from another Ravenclaw who nobody had ever seen her talk to but who she had apparently met up with more than once before she was asked. Though despite having a date, her roommates had not heard the end of her complaining about what a poor choice the Chang girl had been. Funnily enough though just two days before the ball the green-eyed girl had returned to her dorm rather sadly, grumbling out that she had accidentally stumbled onto the Asian girl and that she was actually very nice. Too nice for her to keep complaining.

Millicent, much to everyone's surprise had come to the ball with Adam Miller, the dreamily fit sixth-year lad who Blaise had shooed away from Daphne. Everyone's mouths had dropped open once they had seen the pair walk down the stairs and into the Great Hall together.

The mouth that had hanged the lowest being the one of Pansy Parkinson, who had inevitably become the date of Draco Malfoy. Her fluffy light pink dress swished to the side as she had turned towards the impressed Daphne beside her, asking if the girl had known about such an arrangement. 

Daphne herself, having dressed in a long heavenly sparkly deep v-neck lavender-coloured dress, had made the most dramatic attention attracting entrance one could ever make. Astrid, having come upstairs with her, had walked down the stairs first, discreetly 'accidentally' pushing the girls and boys who stood there to the sides and out of the way, where moments later Daphne had ever so gracefully walked down. Most heads had been turned towards her, the gaze that she had attracted the most being Blaise's one. Seeing the look on their mate's face Theo and Draco had exchanged a look joking to themselves about how pathetically whipped the lad was. 

Though Theo's joking hadn't lasted long once he noticed Rosier standing by the entrance of the Great Hall and smirking at her friend's ever so dramatic entrance. The black girl was wearing a fairly modest emerald green dress, her hair done in an updo and wrapped in a matching headscarf. It was no wonder he thought her to be the prettiest girl in the room; the large slit in the side of her dress through which a part of her thigh could be seen was nearly driving him insane. Hadn't he two french twins to tend to, he would've been all over the girl. And he was the only lad who wouldn't be scared to. Many had learned to stay away. Theo didn't fear getting slapped. He didn't fear her at all. Not even when with her coming to the ball in her high heels, she was quite a bit taller than him.                                       

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