Year 5 - 107

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Her head hurt again.

Pink felt entirely too bright for her eyes, the meowing incredibly too loud. Droplets of water pelting to the ground outside the condensated windows made her vision go in and out, swirling with the occasional droplet slowly sliding down the side of the glass.

All that and the loud chatter of her housemates as they waited for the even pinker and louder professor to arrive.

Draco and Astrid stood on the opposite ends of the office and although she kept looking through the window, the occasional glances he sent her way didn't skip past her. That and the way he had leant against the wall, with his arms crossed, chewing on the inside of his cheek and just asking for others to notice his rather questionable gaze.

Astrid hadn't exactly wanted to go and try to join the Inquisitorial Squad, but Malfoy's commentary and the fact he had said they could get extra credits for joining, had made her give in. She desperately needed that extra credit, what with all the OWLs and everything coming up. The girl needed all the help she could get, to put it simply. Pestering other students for disobeying rules was definitely less excruciating of a way to get good marks than actually sitting down and studying on hours end.

Now though, standing there and actually waiting on the professor, she just wanted the floor underneath her feet to open so she could fall through and somehow end up back in her bed.

They heard the door open and instantly all conversation quietened down until no sound could be heard. The plump pink professor entered the room, that sickly smile prominent on her face all until her eyes landed on Astrid Ninomae.

Because all students there had been personally handpicked by the professor - people who had never done anything but agree with her. Astrid having been the person, who had called the woman a bitch on their first day back, stuck out like a sore thumb.

"Good day, professor," Astrid greeted politely, attempting a smile.

"Good day..." Umbridge drawled, crossing her arms and cocking her head with a forced smile. "What are you doing here, child? I don't remember inviting you."

Astrid didn't skip a beat, nodding in the direction of her secret acquaintance. "Oh, Malfoy said I could join. I could be of great use."

All heads turned to look at the frowning blonde, who showcased none of the surprise he felt inside. "No, I didn't."

Astrid felt the top of her lip curl up in disgust before she did a small pout to then straighten her expression back out. "Yes, you-"

"It was more of mine idea," Pansy chimed in suddenly. "I and Draco both. But it was more my initiation. I apologize if I've made a mistake but I was under the impression Astrid could be a great addition."

Thank you!

"Yes, Miss Parkinson, you have made a mistake," the professor droned.

I'm certainly not gonna thank you.

Astrid spoke up again, "I apologize professor if that, what you're holding against me, is mispronouncing your name. I just want you to know, ma'am, that I'm sincerely sorry and truly hadn't meant it so."

Everyone turned to look at the professor, awaiting the woman's judgement. She smiled - it was taking all in her to not lash out. "I understand, dear, but I don't believe you're applicable for this position either way. You haven't exactly been an exemplary student."

Astrid pressed her lips into a pout as she avoided looking to the side at her housemates. She felt embarrassed.

"Mr Malfoy," the plump woman spoke again, "did you really consider taking Ninomae on the squad?"

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