Year 4 - 64

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"What is it?" Astrid had furrowed her eyebrows as she watched Malfoy's face seemingly lose colour.

Draco was at a loss.

He was sure of the fact, almost completely. That of why they were friends. Why Ninomae had disappeared after what Draco now understood must've been the First Wizarding War. And most importantly it explained what the 'I bet you've felt it too' comment at the Quidditch cup had meant. It was now clear to the young boy that his father tapping the wrist of his left arm had not been in any way accidental. It had been a threat.

That or the man had fled because he had refused to join the Dark Lord. Though something told Draco the latter wasn't the reason. Eric Ninomae's hands had been filled with tattoos and the blonde doubted it was a coincidence.

But the problem the platinum-blonde was met with now, looking into the chocolate brown eyes of Astrid Ninomae, he didn't know how to tell her that. 

Firstly, it would be a great shock. Secondly, his father was theoretically not a willing deatheater which meant Draco just couldn't go and tell the girl her father was one because he knew his was. 

Although that still didn't answer his question of why the fathers now hated one another apart from their opposing belief systems (which was a question of its own - how on earth was Eric Ninomae a deatheater married to a muggle). Nevertheless, Draco felt Ninomae deserved to know. For one, it was a big thing. For another, it could be possible blackmail material as well. 

In all honesty, the second reason was just a whack excuse hiding the fact Draco just wanted Ninomae to know. He didn't know what or why it was but the boy felt almost excited about the fact.

"Spit it out," Astrid spoke up again. 

She had waited a good minute for the boy to collect his thoughts as he had blankly stared ahead. Astrid had learned it to be an odd thing Malfoy did and usually didn't bother to interrupt his small thinking sessions. Why he did that was unclear, but the girl always found it a little funny.

She hadn't wanted to interrupt him this time at all, considering whatever he was thinking about must've been important. But it had been taking too long and she was dying with anticipation.

Draco refocused his eyes on Ninomae in front of him. He licked his lips, then sucked them inside, pressing them in a thin line, before pushing them back out again; still thinking about how to best present the information.

"What do you know about my family?"

Astrid snorted softly; the complete opposite of Malfoy's serious tone.

Astrid coughed, putting up a mocking serious expression as she counted down on her fingers. "Hoar, rich, prejudiced pricks, inbreds who have very possibly encountered inc-"

"No!" Draco interrupted fighting the urge to yell at her and her childish behaviour. "Not like that."

"What are you asking then?" Astrid was still smiling.

Draco sighed deeply. "Okay, different question. What do you remember about the Quidditch Cup?"

"That you sat in the Minister's box and my dad told yours that he hopes yours would fall out of it," Astrid laughed to herself once more.

Mike Hallminster was watching the interaction his girlfriend was having with the lad she claimed to hate and he didn't like what he was seeing. Now come think of it he had never liked it. There they were, looking almost as if they were having the time of their lives. 

His girl was smiling as she said something and the blonde shook his head, turning it away from her. Mike could see that once Malfoy faced the other direction his glare dropped for a second as he bit down on his lip, obviously fighting a smile. Astrid reached out and pushed the lad's shoulder lightly, making the blonde turn back again, say something (by the looks of it, mean) and then Astrid fake-gasp pretending to be hurt before she countered back with something similarly sassy.

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