Year 3 - 40

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His hands were awkwardly cupping her face. Her hands limply rested against his chest to keep him from leaning against her completely.

Astrid wasn't proud of herself and how she had barely hesitated before returning the kiss. 

He tasted of chocolate. She tasted of blueberries.

It was nowhere near perfect. The kiss was sloppy, a little awkward, just as one would imagine a first kiss being. But that didn't mean the two teens didn't lose themselves in the sensation, for a moment completely forgetting where they were, why they were there, or, most importantly, who they were with.

The only thing on their mind was the fact they were kissing and the fact it felt bloody sensational. Astrid's stomach was convulsing with a thousand butterflies, and Draco's heart was beating and fluttering so quickly he thought it might as well jump out of his chest at any moment.

Blame teenage hormones.

It took Astrid five seconds to realise who she was kissing. It took her five more to finally push him away.

The blonde opened his eyes, stumbling back a bit and once he registered the person standing in front of him, his expression turned into one of sheer horror. He looked her up and down, took another step backwards and then eyed her flushed cheeks and slightly parted lips.

"Why would you do that?!" he barked. His voice was panicked and a little higher than usual.

"M-me? I didn't do anything." The girl was just as confused as him. She was rendered speechless.

"T-this never happened," he stuttered out and Astrid nodded in approval. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Good," Draco took another step back.


Malfoy opened his mouth as if to say something and Astrid saw him look her up and down once more before gulping. He pulled her wand out of his pocket, threw it at her and then without another word walked out and away from the room the two were in.

Astrid ran a hand through her hair and then left it there as she lightly pulled at it in confused frustration. She turned around, leaning her forehead against the cold brick wall and kept mumbling under her breath; words the girl herself couldn't even understand.

* * *

Astrid had just finished her last exam of the day and was ready to get to her weekly tutoring session with professor Lupin. They had rescheduled it for a Tuesday so she wouldn't have to miss their Quidditch practice.

It had become more important in this last month of school for the girl to attend all of them because she knew Flint would be graduating that year which would mean next would have another captain. She hoped it would be Pucey. And she knew it would certainly be someone who was currently on the team. So it was in her best interest to be as good as she could be during the few last practises so she could really prove herself.

Although, personally, the girl thought she had already proved herself. But as they say - for a woman to get half as much credit as a man, she has to work twice as hard and be twice as smart. It was unfair, but that's how things worked, especially in the Slytherin Quidditch team. And Astrid knew she was in no way the best player on the team. The other guys were good too, some even very good. But that didn't mean she was bad. In fact, she was the second-fastest flyer in their team. The others just chose to ignore it for the simple reason that she was a girl.

After the Ravenclaw game, Astrid hadn't gotten to play anymore. Out of respect towards her pal, Astrid hadn't tried sabotaging Adrian again either. The girl felt fourth year would be her year. With Flint gone, perhaps the others would let their guard down on her as well. At least that was what she had hoped.

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