Year 5 - 85

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Astrid was always aware of having woken up before she opened her eyes. Her brain awoke before her body. That's why the following morning after hearing something move in the bed next to her, she chose to rather whine out a small complaint instead of remaining silent as she had planned to. 

The girl rolled over onto her side, moving closer to the warmth next to her, as she had somehow been left partially without a blanket. 

Draco laid on his back to the right from the girl. One of his hands rested against his bare stomach (during sleep his shirt had ridden up a wee bit) while the other was sprawled limply somewhere above Ninomae's head.

"Didn't you say no touching?" the raspy voice of Draco Malfoy breathed out once he felt Ninomae's forehead hitting the side of his chest. 

Astrid's eyes fluttered open slowly and she moved back the second she comprehended what she was doing.

"Sorry," she mumbled, turning back around and yanking on the blanket so it would cover her instead.

She knew she had to get out and away before anyone had noticed but it was so comfortable where she laid, she didn't want to leave just yet. Besides, it felt terribly early. The light cast from the water-restricted windows was so faint it almost felt it was still night. It always was so on late-fall and winter mornings.

Draco breathed a sleepy breath, that might've resembled a laugh and pulled on the cover once more, making the girl whine and pull back. 

The little tug-war was shortly interrupted by a groggy voice calling out from the top bed across from theirs. "Morning."

Recognising Theo's voice, Astrid inhaled sharply. Her plan of escaping before others woke up went right out the window as she hastily pushed the blanket towards the blonde in front of her and ducked, hiding under it completely.

"Nin-" Draco began rather intrigued but was quickly interrupted by Astrid's sharp whisper.

"They can't know I'm here."

"Oh," and the realization had hit him in the face like a truck. This surely looked wrong and he didn't fancy explaining what had happened to others. Not that anything much had happened...

A movement caught Draco's attention and once he looked up, he saw Nott having perked his head up as he looked over at the blonde with a sleepy grin. "Is that a girl?"

Astrid smiled from where she was hidden under the covers. She could perfectly picture Theo saying just that.

"I thought we could only bring girls on weekends," Zabini's voice sounded from beneath, making Astrid's heart nearly jump out of her chest as she had forgotten they were laying on a bunkbed.

"As if you ever bring anybody," Theo snickered making Blaise scoff in response.

"I'm simply not lame enough to bring them to the dorm." 

Draco would've snickered along, but a part of his lower stomach was still exposed and Ninomae hotly breathing over it was terribly distracting him.

"Oh, please," Theo spoke, his last word being stretched out by a yawn, "you've been pussy-whipped by Daph since the day you were born."

Astrid couldn't help but smirk once she heard Blaise instantly denying it. Of course, she knew he fancied her best friend; that had always been plain as day, but hearing him so genuinely flustered made the fact even more real.

"Who's the girl?" It was now Crabbe's voice that piped up from somewhere further in the room and although Astrid couldn't see him, she knew he was smirking.

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