Year 5 - 102

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Black was a colour Draco Malfoy had forever liked.

It sat well on him and perfectly hid any imperfections the blonde had long ceased to acknowledge. His expressions equally dark, the lad always looked the picture of angered indifference. 

The greys and greens of their school uniform were probably the only colours the boy owned. Though he had never liked grey for it wasn't nearly as expressionate as black and had forever been rather bland. 

Draco liked that people never knew what exactly it was he was thinking. A proper pureblood - he knew how to hide everything, was it expressions, thoughts or any objects. Like a proper wealthy pureblood, he was the image of perfection, perfectly masking from his parents and everyone else everything he would rather not have them know.

He preferred the colour black mostly because if it got dimmed to a lighter grey, his true self would shine through. The one that had sat in the huge Malfoy Manor library when he was seven and read a forbidden muggle story-book he had quite enjoyed. The one that preferred sweet fruit tea over strong black on. The one whose comfort memory was the one of his mum laying in bed next to his ten-year-old self and softly stroking his hair until he fell asleep.

Black was a colour Draco Malfoy had forever liked because it was just what he wished he could be. Expressionless yet equally bold.

His black lacquer shoes clicked against the stone floor as he walked. Crabbe and Goyle walked in front of him, making way for the blonde and pushing aside everyone whose collective worth of shoes might've been less than the ones Draco wore. Rain pelted to the ground outside the grand windows of the corridor as he glared down on anyone who dared even mutter the smallest sound of protest for being pushed about. 

People usually assumed the boy didn't like anyone, and that was partially true. Having heard what he did to people he disliked especially, people rarely dared stand against him.

The trio entered the Great Hall as Draco stepped forward, heading for the Slytherin table, pretending to straighten out the hem of his sleeve as Crabbe and Goyle now tagged behind him.

Having sat down by the table where he always sat, he listened to the pointless banter of Zabini and Nott, occasionally adding on with his opinions rather indifferently. 

That was until a sight of Ninomae stepping through the doors of the hall caught his attention. Without stopping to look around, Ninomae confidently made her steps forward. She raised her hands over her head, putting her long hair up in that half-ponytail hairstyle, and then pulled out a few loose strands, ruffling her bangs and purposefully making it look a little messy. She took long steps as she walked right past the empty spot between Theo and Blaise where she usually sat with Greengrass. Her untucked white shirt hid all of the figure Draco knew was there. He even noticed she had worn her bigger pair of shoes that day, making her appear taller. It wasn't often she wore those in school.

He followed her with his eyes as she sat down a little further off and in front of Pansy Parkinson, instantly makings some remark to make them both laugh.

Astrid Ninomae wasn't black. She was everything but it. Because where Draco Malfoy used black to mask and hide his real emotions, Astrid Ninomae put on a full showcase of what she wanted others to believe she was feeling.

She took long steps so everyone knew just how much she valued her time to get things done. She didn't waste it on those who didn't matter. She wore her shirt untucked to show the bit of independent individuality she had for she knew not many girls in the school did so. She put on her platform shoes to indirectly show just how much she towered over everybody. Her many pointy and silvery rings helped show just how tough her blow would be.

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