Year 2 - 3

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The next morning Astrid woke up excited. She had finally found a way to get her revenge on Malfoy. She would use a curse to stick his bum to one of the chairs in the classroom and he wouldn't be able to stand up at all. The evening before she had tried the spell out on her owl successfully glueing it to the table and then not as perfectly freeing it again. She didn't consider it a problem though, knowing that she only intended to glue him to that chair, not actually help him out of that situation. She would never help him out with anything ever again. Not after he ruined her favourite pair of shoes and let her be taken by the goddamn pixies. 

She was gonna use a spell called Collobtros, which the girl personally found ironic, considering the spell had the same root as the one Malfoy had used. 

"Do you really think the Chamber of Secrets has been opened?" Millicent asked tugging at the hem of her robes, trying to hide her rather chubby stomach. She was insecure about her weight and always walked in a more slumped manner trying to hide what couldn't really be hidden.

Astrid shrugged. She wasn't completely sure but the feeling in the back of her mind seemed to be telling her that it was.

"It must be," Astrid said nonchalantly, "the teachers have been looking rather distraught lately."

"That's scary," Daphne said with a shudder.

The three girls were making their way to the Great Hall to have some breakfast. It wasn't often that Millicent walked with Daphne and Astrid but Pansy had been up earlier than usual that day and was already gone by the time Millicent could get ready. Maggie and Tracey were rather cold to everybody except one another so not to go alone Millicent had tagged along with the only two other options left.

Soon they were already walking up to the Slytherin table and sitting down.

"But, McGonagall said that it only attacks mudbloods, wouldn't that mean we're safe?" Millicent asked as she sat down next to Parkinson who was dreamily looking at Malfoy and eating her yogurt.

"I suppose it could mean that," Astrid said thoughtfully and hated the warmth of relief cross her body as she realised she might not be a target. How could she feel such relief while other people lives were still in danger? Besides she was nearly muggle-born herself.

"Anyone who's not pure is threatened," Astrid heard Malfoy's sick voice drawl from across the table. "Slytherin had wanted to rid the school of all fakes and it's a bloody shame he didn't succeed. Finally, his wishes are being carried out."

"Of course, nobody would want to get rid of the Malfoys," Astrid said sarcastically as she rolled her eyes.

"Don't you dare ridicule my family, half-blood," Draco spat. He couldn't stand people disrespecting his family. "You and your kind are scum. We could end you before you as much as blinked an eye. You better be careful or your pitiful half-blood self might just be the first monster's victim."

Nott snickered as did both Malfoy's goons. Zabini wasn't the type to laugh but the self-assured smirk on his face indicated that he agreed with what Malfoy had said.

"I don't understand how they can even let people like you into this school. You had never even heard of Hogwarts before your letter came. It's pathetic."

Astrid didn't really know how to respond. On her first day in school, she had made the huge mistake of asking Malfoy how to send an owl. Besides, there were still many things she didn't know about the wizarding world. Things others who had grown up knowing about magic already knew from early childhood.

Astrid narrowed her eyes at Malfoy wondering once again if he could really be the Heir. It made sense...

"You better stop the traitorous relationship you've got going on with her, Daph," Zabini said reverting Astrid's attention. "Don't get too attached before the dirt gets rightfully disposed of."

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