Year 4 - 69

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Astrid had witnessed Harry Potter collapsing over the dead body of his friend. 

Astrid had seen Tracey Davis drop to her knees in a cry of great sorrow. 

Astrid had heard the desperate cries of the man who had once been a proud father of a champion.

Cedric Diggory was dead.

With him that day died many things.

It was the innocent and childish belief of many students that their lives were forever and no harm could befall them.

It was the sanity and calmness of Harry Potter for the lad now believed You-Know-Who was back.

It was the dream of Draco Malfoy to become a deatheater like his father. The blonde had always hated death and seeing somebody actually dead from a hand of who-Draco-knew was a dark wizard, shifted his perspective immensely. The boy almost wanted to laugh in despair at how naïve he had been to think of deatheaters and forget about the inevitable deaths they caused. 

On a large scale and what everyone would come to realise a year or two later, with Cedric Diggory had died the safety and peace that had ruled over the Wizarding World for the last decade.

But most importantly, and most relevantly to Astrid Ninomae at the given moment, what had died, was the cautiousness of Tracey Davis. Everything had gone to wreck in the span of just a few hours and Tracey Davis hated the world.

Five worried girls were sat in front of the locked door to the shared Slytherin girl bathrooms. In the span of the last hour many girls had gone by asking to be let in to which Pansy had barked them all away proclaiming that if they really needed to piss they could go and do that in the lad's bathrooms. A student had died and they had much bigger problems than a weak bladder of a random Slytherin.

The five girls had been lounging in front of the bathroom door for that whole hour awaiting when their friend would finally come out. They were all terribly worried, the only indication that the girl wasn't doing something irreversible alone in there being the occasional insults or negative comments she barked through the door, complaining about everything and anything.

Tracey Davis had lost two important things that day - a person she held close to her heart (a crush that had made her heart flutter on more than one occasion) along with her only outlet of how she could've been able to cope with such grief (her violin).

The violin had been important to her and she loved it dearly. Bitter, smiling, devastated - whatever it was the violin had always helped her through everything. The girl didn't like talking or showing, so she had always let go of her emotions through a melody.

Now having been ripped off her instrument, the green-eyed girl didn't know what to do with herself. She had never been good with words in any shape or form and to express her emotions and thoughts to help her get over her sorrow felt impossible. But still, she had to get it out somehow. Her confused sadness slowly but surely had transformed into petty anger.

It took another hour and the girls nearly having fallen asleep on their spots on the ground when with a soft click, the bathroom door unlocked and out came a sniffling Tracey. 

Astrid's jaw dropped to the ground, Mills gasped and Daphne actually let out a shriek of horror when she saw the way the girl looked.

Tracey sniffled and scratched the back of her now entirely platinum-blonde haired head. "I'm dead," she said and let out a pained giggle. "Figuratively emotionally right now." 

The other five girls stared speechless as the new-blonde continued. 

"But I will literally be dead when I return home," she paused and wiped under her nose with another sniffle. "Gone. Deceased. Kaput-"

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