Year 5 - 91

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Astrid almost never came to the Astronomy tower.

She had often heard others talking about it. More than once had Daphne held her date nights there as for most it was the single most romantic spot in the whole of Hogwarts.

Now sitting, her back pressed against one of the pillars, Astrid could see the appeal, though personally, she didn't find it at all that great. Just like any tower, it held great sights of the world beyond. Just like any tower, it had nothing to offer except for its pretty sights.

If one asked you to the tower, they would expect to lay with you and watch the stars or lean against the railing and chatter while looking out at Scotland grounds. If any teacher decided to come up, the students would most certainly get caught.

The Astronomy tower left no space for uncertainty. Astrid didn't like that.

Though there she was, sitting, relaxing, watching the stars and whatever she could make out of the dark mass beneath. Looking out she almost felt like she was the only person left in the world. In a way she felt eternal.

Astrid Ninomae had always preferred grassy fields or frozen lakes, but she could definitely see the appeal.

Astrid rarely had problems with falling asleep but there she was, sat in a tower she never came to, alone in the late of the night because sleep had simply not come to her. The girl had surely always had a knack for stupid decisions. Though she didn't like thinking of them as stupid but rather ones that make for great memories. Take this moment for example. It was the middle of December, it had been snowing for the entirety of that day, and yet there Astrid was - sitting in the open air of the Astronomy tower with nothing but her pyjamas and a sweater on.

Astrid Ninomae wanted to cry. Though her tears weren't coming. Because Astrid Ninomae considered crying while her life lacked any imperfections to be foolish.

It was two days until the students of Hogwarts would return back home for their Christmas holidays. A sleepless night two days before she'd have to face one of the many things bothering her lately.

Astrid felt like shit, to put it simply. Her brain felt like it was collapsing in on itself. Her research had informed her of all the things she had never wanted to imagine her father do. What was worst was that it felt so uncharacteristic for her dad. Everything felt upside down. 

Astrid Ninomae spilt a single tear, before quickly wiping it away. It was stupid to cry when nothing in her life was actually wrong. For she had a family, she had friends, she had a roof over her head and she always had food on the table, she was healthy and active, heck, she even wasn't bad-looking - Astrid Ninomae had nothing to cry about.

The girl didn't know why she had decided to come to sit on the icy floor of the Astronomy tower when she had never gone there before like that. All she knew was that the cold biting at her cheeks made for a great distraction. That and how around fifteen minutes past midnight she heard the door of the tower whip open, certainly providing for an entertaining performance.

Astrid had learned to tell his voice apart by a single syllable.

"Come on," the boy grumbled under his breath. The door shut close behind him with a boom as he gripped the railing of the tower tightly, definitely searching for the cold air to get his mind off things too. Astrid heard the ding of his ring making contact with the metal of the railing and she couldn't help but wonder how cold the surface must've been to touch. "You're Draco Lucius bloody Malfoy, get yourself together! You're above all. Above stupid feelings."

Astrid tilted her head slightly, watching him as a shameless smirk spread across her cheeks. Her night was going down way better than she could've ever imagined it to.

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