Year 3 - 31

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"This is pointless and idiotic. I'm not going."

"I think I'll stay back to keep him company. No one would want to stay back alone."

Draco's eyes widened for a second in panic as they then flickered in the direction of Pansy Parkinson. But then just as quickly as the expression had come, it was gone, and the boy was back to wearing his smug blank expression.

"Although without me you will never even get through into the Ravenclaw common room. So I guess you need me."

Astrid smiled knowing exactly what made him change his mind and she switched her gaze to look at the raven-haired girl in question. Her dark bangs and short hair were nearly covering all her face as she had slightly lowered her head, glaring at the ground and having crossed her arms. The girl would've looked just as typically angrily annoyed as usual, but by the rapid tapping of her right foot against the ground, Astrid could tell the girl felt offended and if anything, even a little embarrassed.

"We have Theo and Tracey, we'll manage," Astrid spoke and watched as Pansy's foot movement stopped as the girl slightly raised her chin - expectantly and almost hopefully.

"I am the," it had started off as a brag but Draco felt his voice waver for a second as he had to physically swallow to get the words through his mouth, "second smartest in our year."

Draco Malfoy was second to Hermione Granger in more than half of their school subjects and he abhorred the fact. The boy couldn't believe a mudblood could be better than him. And neither could his father believe that. It was always the one thing he got the hardest time about. Draco supposed had it been any other student it wouldn't have been as bad but since it was the bushy-haired Granger who was nothing but dirty scum in the Malfoys' eyes, it was more than embarrassing. How could one who you've regarded as inferior to yourself your whole life, suddenly be better? Draco couldn't comprehend that. Neither could he comprehend how he could be getting O's in nearly all tests yet not be the very best.

To save some of his dignity and take the attention off of the word 'second' Draco added: "Smarter than the smartest Ravenclaw for that matter."

If their grades were what they had to measure from then that was true. Astrid couldn't deny that. 

She looked over the faces of her housemates and sighed seeing that no one appeared to be wishing to drop out. It was well past their curfew, way past midnight, and the not so small group of Slytherins were all either sat or stood in the girls' dorm.

This was the day they were going to get their revenge on Kruz Raidlly.

The original plan had been - take Rosier (obviously), Tracey and Theodore (because they're smart), Astrid (because it was her idea) and Daphne (because she really wanted to). Now Theo had, of course, not showed up alone. The goof had brought all of his roommates and now not only all of them wanted to come along but so did Millicent and Pansy. It had become even more complicated.

"We can't all go," Astrid spoke breaking the silence that had lowered over the room.

"Why not?"

"There's eleven of us!"


"ELEVEN! How do you expect us to get in and out unnoticed when there is eleven of us. The last time the eleven of us went out in public Snape had to tell us off four times so we'd finally shut up."

Flashbacks of the night of sleeping in the Great Hall crossed the children's minds as content smiles broke out on a few of their faces.

Astrid turned her head to look directly at Theodore Nott who was among one of these contently smiling children. 

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