Year 3 - 17

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Draco watched in horror as Ninomae's body went limp and cringed at the thud that echoed through the compartment once her head smacked against the small table in between the seats. The blonde boy didn't dare move.

"What just happened?" Goyle questioned breaking the silence as the children all looked up to the man they had never seen before. 

"Those were dementors," he explained calmly, his caring voice immediately irritating Draco, though he couldn't act on it. The man had saved them after all. Or had he. The way Ninomae was slumped, he feared she might just be dead. He fought the urge to cry out. He didn't want people dying. This was horrendous. His first day and somebody had already died in his hands. Dead. Dead. Dead. He was panicking slightly.

Draco moved his hand discretely, as so no one would notice his concern, to grab her wrist. Pressing his two fingers against it and feeling her pulse, he relaxed. He let out a heavy breath he didn't realise he had been holding. Not dead after all...

 "One of the guards of Azkaban. It was searching the train for Sirius Black."

Draco heard Parkinson gasp and he fought the urge to scowl at her. Everyone knew Sirius Black had escaped. It was common knowledge what a dementor look liked. He was pissed, the girl was so shocked about that information instead of the fact her roommate had nearly dropped dead. DEAD!

And now the nearly-dead person was just laying in his hands. Slumped like a ton of rotten bricks. Was it the fact he just couldn't deal with dead people or the fact Ninomae had as always ruined his peace, Draco found himself growing repulsed and irritated.

"Have you got anything sweet you could give her once she wakes?" the man questioned politely and Draco nodded. "Great," he smiled, "that should make her feel better. Also before she does, I'd suggest you let her lay down. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to have a word with the driver." And with that, the man turned around and left as if nothing ground-breaking had just happened.

"But Astrid isn't Sirius Black," Bulstrode spoke and Parkinson groaned loudly. "Of course she isn't, you daft cow, perhaps the dementor thought she looked like the man - dirty and bloody mental."

Draco ignored Parkinson but instead glared at the boy next to him. 

"Did you not hear what he said? Move out the damn way!" The two girls fell silent both surprised at the sudden outburst as Draco kept his glare trained. He couldn't stand Ninomae just slumping there any longer and he had to get her off. 

Crabbe took the hint and quickly scurried out of his seat.

As quickly as he possibly could, Draco grabbed Ninomae's shoulders pulling her onto his chest so he'd be able to pick her up and redirect her position. Nobody said a word as he did just that, laying the girl down on the seat he had just been sitting on. 

The boy stood, looking down at the limp body as he raised his hand to chew on the end of his thumbnail. It was a gesture his mother had always tried to rid him off but which still came out whenever the boy was very nervous. 

Draco looked over at Goyle who was now looking up at him and he motioned for the boy to stand up. Swiftly Malfoy sunk into that seat himself as he looked over the table where he could see Ninomae laying, leaving the two of his goons just awkwardly standing. Parkinson noticed the way Malfoy seemed worried about the girl and she just couldn't wrap her finger around why on earth would he care. Draco himself didn't understand that either. 

I hate her! Why am I getting so bloody worked up about this? 

With a frustrated groan, he stood right back up reverting his gaze from Ninomae completely.

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