Awkward Day with Kaisoo [II]

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We had arrive in Lotte World about 2 hours ago.Nothing really changed here.They did upgraded and added a few more games.Kaisoo left me alone not too long ago.

What a meanie.Not that I'm complaining but they were the one who invited me yet they left me here.Now I'm wandering around with my hungry stomach.

I only have 6 dollars with me.It was their fault not asking me to bring more money,if I knew it'll be like this I would bring more money.

I sat on a bench waiting for them because I didn't have that much energy to walk anymore.This place was big and there were loads of people.Suddenly I heard someone call me.

"Soyeon! Soyeon!"

"Hey transfer freak " I didn't need to turn my head to see who was the one calling me that.

They had a lot of gifts with them.Waw! Did they just comeback from a shopping mall or what?! That was a lot though and some guys complained that we girls bought useless stuff.

Well boys, looked at them.

"What's that?" I asked pointing at their stuffs.

"Gifts for the boys and we won a lot of games ..." Owl being cut by Kai.

"With this type of look we can win everything." Kai said complementing himself.

"Do you have any food? I'm hungry.You guys left me here alone! All by myself! " I said dramatically.

"Sorry Soyeon.I want to accompany you earlier but this douche over here pull me away" Owl apologized pointing to Kai.

"Heyyy..but you did enjoy my company right" Kai said pouting at Owl.

"Y-You..Did you just blush owl?" I said slightly shocked with his behaviour.

"What? N-no-no why would I blush .Psh.." He said avoiding his gaze from me and Kai.

"I did saw you blush"

"W-what?! When? No am not!" He was blushing redder than before.

"Why are you stuttering? And you're blushing even more. You blush ? Because of Kai's pout?"

"What? N-no no..I told you am-"

"Aww Kyungsoo..I knew you love me,with this face everyone that's normal can't decline~~" Kai said to Owl and placed a kiss on his left cheek causing Owl to blush even more.


"Why? What? You..Cheek..Kiss..No-no Am not..Ahhh" with that he left us.

I looked at Kai to see him with his infamous smirked.What the hell was happening?

"C'mon he's going to the cafe.You're hungry right freak?" Kai said leaving me again.

"Am not a freak! Hey! Wait ! Ughh"

note to myself,NEVER EVER accept Kaisoo's invitation!

I entered the cafe to see Kaisoo already seating at the balcony of the cafe.

Wait..What are they doing?

I saw Kai leaning to Owl's ear and said something that make Owl blushed.

Oh my God.

They dating or what ?! Someone please tell me! I fake cough before sat in front of them. I looked at Owl who was now looked like a human tomato and Kai who was smirking.


"What's going on" I asked.

"Nothing " Kai said leaning his head on Owl's shoulder making the smaller guy blushed even redder.

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