Home,The Letter

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Soyeon's POV

Finally!! Im home!!! Ahhh the smell of Seoul. I can't wait to sleep on my bed.

The flight was awful,there was a random boy kept on kicking my seat.I can't sleep at all.

At the house ( more like a mansion )

The house was really clean and big. Hmm I should find a job and move out from this house.This is dad-I mean Mr.Choi's mansion but for this time being I'll just stay here.

I kinda miss this place. It held a lot of memories.

"Yo bo se yo ?" I hollered as I step into the house.

I can see ahjummha, the housekeeper, heading towards me,"Uh,may I help you..." she trailed her words.

"Ahjummha it's me,Soyeon." I told her with a bored tone.

"Soyeon? It's you ? It's really you?! " she asked, screaming excitedly.

I can tell why she asked me that as if she didn't believe me ,I mean look at me,as the time past by I became more....boyish.

"Yeah,it's me.What's with that expression?"

"Woah I knew you're boyish when you were little but this..."

"Yeah yeah whatever.I'm tired I'll get going." I told her as I headed upstairs.

I can tell she was shock with my attitude because even though I was boyish back then, I'll never be rude to anyone.

I'll apologize to her later but for now, let me sleep. I entered my room and it looked exactly the same as I left it couple of years ago.

No dust...I think as I touch the thing in the huge room.Well looks like Ahjumha did a great job cleaning this house.

She always did, sometimes I wonder how an oldwomen that'll probably reached 54 soon can take care of this mansion alone by herself while I can't even clean my room.

I put aside all my things and changed into a more comfy clothes preparing to sleep.I take a fast nap for a couple of hours when suddenly I heard someone knocking my door.

It was Ahjumha asking me to go downstairs since dinner was ready. I got up and wash my face and headed to the dining room.There was a silence in the dining room when suddenly I remember something..

Me : Emm ahjummha ?

ahjumha : yes ?

Me : I'm sorry for what happened earlier..You know..being rude..

Ahjumha : Nahh..it's okay..I did understand why you behaved that way.

Me : But still-

Ahjummha : I told you it's okay . Now-now let's finish this and you can go to bed.You must feel really sleepy

Me : Want me to help you ?

Ahjumha : nah, it's okay .there's nothing much to clean though.

With that, I finished my dinner and headed to my room getting ready to sleep not forgetting to thank ahjumha.What a peaceful night I thought to myself.

Home sweet home.


I woke up and looked at the my phone showing 2:30pm.

It was pretty weird, usually ahjumha will nag me until I felt my ears started to bleed.Maybe I'll check after her later.

After I clean myself, I headed toward the kitchen to find nothing but a piece of sticky paper on the fridge.


My son and daughters just get back from the overseas.I would like to spend time with them. I hope you understand. I won't be home for a couple of weeks so you have the house all to your own.I already cooked lunch for you since I knew you will wake up late today.Heat the food first because it is probably really cold now. If there's anything you can call me at 011-xxxxxxx.


Your cutest ahjummha <3

I chuckled at the last part.Well she knew me too well with the sarcasm I found in the note.

I shook my head and heated the food. Looked like it was going to be a lazy day today.As I finished my lunch,I flopped myself into the couch and turn on the tv not forgetting to bring some snacks with me.

There was nothing good showing.I kept on switching the tv and stopped when I saw Pororo was showing.

It has been a long time since I last watched this show.

After several hours, I decided to go for a walk. I changed into a black tank top and a pair of blue trousers.Maybe I should check the mailbox since Ahjumha was not a fan of checking the letters,

I can tell the mailbox was full with lett-THE LETTER !! I screamed as I ran towards the mailbox to found nothing in it.

Where was it ?

I remembered putting it here.

Did ahjumha took it. I didn't think it was her though, she didn't even bother to check the mailbox.

Who took it ?

There was a lot of questions popping into my head. I entered the house and headed towards my room. I texted Ahjummha to ask if she took it which she replied with a no. If it wasn't her then who could it be?

He was back?

Did he took it ?


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