Letter to Sehun

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This was originally asked by @oohvinny (?) Sorry it takes too long for me to post this. This will be the content of Sehun's letter.



I would want to start with "dear sehun" but it'll be too cringy. How have you been ? I shouldn't be asking you this considering how much you hurt me haha. Note that of you're reading this I'm probably....dead.



Isn't it mysterious? 

I used to wish to die every day but now that I know I'm really going to die, it somewhat...

scares me.

I wonder what'll happened after I die. Am I going to hell?

because we all know how much of a corrupt I am.

I didn't want to though. I heard it was a terrible place. I've been to a terrible place. I don't think I want to deal with it again.

I want to go somewhere safe.

Where I wouldn't need to worry about someone barged into my room and touched me. Where I could eat anything I want whenever I want without worrying about how much money I have left.

Some place where I didn't need to worry about people judging me.

I wanted to go somewhere peaceful and calm.

but that's not for me to decide right?

I'm scared. Totally scare if I'm being honest. Funny how I never felt this scared before. It's really frightening.

Now that I think about it. I don't think I'm even ready for all of this.

I don't have much time to write now. My hands are shaking so if you see my handwriting starting to look horrible that's probably because I'm trying to hold myself from the pain.

So..I know...you're not in love with me even though you said so. I know you didn't miss me even when you say you did.

All those hugs and kisses? I know they were not real. Never were.

I also know you didn't remember me giving you the jacket when we was little. I know you gave it to someone else and we both know who it was.

I knew you didn't protect me as you claimed you did nor did you were the one who returned the jacket back to me that rainy day.

Once again,we both knew who did.

Am I mad at you for playing me? That's definitely a yes. I would really resent you for doing what you did.

But I understood ... at least I think I did.

I understand the way you look at them. The way your smile would never dropped when they laughed. The way you always stared at them and he'll do the same. The way you tense when someone else hug or playfully kissed them.

I used to ignore it because really, why would I want someone I love looking at someone else with such fond but never the same on me?

Remember the day when I stopped talking to you all of sudden? I was actually trying to figure myself out.

Whether it was okay to be with you while they was hurting or letting go of you once again for someone you....love?

I chose the latter though. I think that's why it hurts so much. Knowing someone will never love me the way I love them.

It hurts a lot. I knew it from the start and decided not to say anything because I craved your attention, your love.

I'm letting go of you.

Once again.

It hurts like hell but I'm dying anyway. Who would want to be with me right.

I used to think true love is real but now I'm not so sure if it was.

Maybe it was real but they probably ran out of love bcs I didn't get one.

Maybe I did get it but I took it for granted.

Maybe I didn't deserved to be love.


So....take care of them. Tell them your true feelings. Never hurt them..ever. Love them till your heart can't handle it anymore and you couldn't do anything except loving them just to keep your heart alive.

Tell him you love him.

Don't be afraid. It's going to be okay. He feels the same way too.

I bet he'll say yes :)

Take your time though. Then tell them when you're ready. It's going to be alright.

You've been afraid for your whole life. Give yourself a break okay. They won't hate you. They're the same as you as well ;) .

Yours sincerely,

p/s: I'm sorry for the little smudge on the paper. It's not blood!  I swear!

pss: have a good life Sehun. :)

psss: tell Kai I'm sorry I dropped his toothbrush in the toilet and put it back on the place without washing it. (he had been using the same toothbrush for 2 months)


So that was the content of Sehun's letter. There was two letter if I'm not mistaken. First was given to Sehun and the other to Baekhyun.

If you still don't have any clue of what was in Baek's, it was written in the epilogue. It was those short words when he took it out from the jacket.

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