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No one's POV

10 years later

"I can't believe you're getting married "

"Me neither"

"I thought he's gay"

"What the hell Kris"

"No. It's just. Have you seen the way he looks at Kyungsoo. How is it not love?"

"You're talking about my soon-to-be husband there."

"I know. I'm sorry for you"

Kris screamed in pain as he felt himself getting a smack.

"What was that for!"

"Just. For fun"

"You look beautiful"

"I know" Kris rolled his eyes at the soon-to-be bride.

"You're so full of yourself"

"Think I got it from you"


"Stop talking to yourself"

"God, you're annoying"

"You're getting worse. I told you to stop talking to yourself. "

Before Kris could say anything the bedroom door burst open.

"Hello my fellow organisms" Nate yelled smiling widely.

"Here we go"

"What is organisms? " Tao asked following behind Nate, Xiumin behind him.

"You my friend need to go back to school. How did you graduated again? " Nate snickered.

"Hey! I'm perfectly fine and smart!" Tao whined.

"I was wondering the same thing. You didn't suck the teachers' dicks to get a great marks did you?" Xiumin asked smirking at the now blushing boy.

"What the hell. Kris! Look at them! " Tao whined tugging at Kris's arm.

The girl and boys both rolled their eyes at the whining boy.

"Hey, did Baekhyun arrived yet?"
"Not yet. Why? "

"Nothing. I was just asking. Haven't seen him in a while."

"I know right " Nate sighed .

"Hey, let's go check out Kai. I bet he's pissing himself." Tao smirked.

"Will you be okay on your own? " Xiumin asked,afraid she'll go all crazy just like yesterday.

"Yea. I'm fine. Ashley is on her way here. So yeah. I'll be okay." Nate and Kris smirked at her words.

"Ashley huh" Xiumin smirked.

"Oooo be careful. She might kiss you" Tao make a kissy face.

"Shut the fuck up," The boys laughed on their way out, smirking when they saw Ashley smiling at them as she approached them.

"What? " she asked.

"Nothing. You're just beautiful " Ashley rolled her eyes.

Kai's room

"Calm the hell down Kai." Kyungsoo rubbed his head.

"What if she decided not to marry me? What if she run. Oh fuck she would runs wouldn't she. What am I going to-Owww. What the hell was that for"

"Shut the hell up. If she didn't love you, she wouldn't even said yes in the first place you dipshit." Sehun glared at him.

"Is someone getting jealous? " Chanyeol wriggled his eyebrows.

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