One Last Time

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(⚠mentioned of selfharmed. If you're uncomfortable and easily triggged, you can always skip the part :) )


Dylan woke up earlier than he ever did before. He barely slept last night because of Soyeon's loud.

She still had a nightmare he thought to himself.

He looked beside him and saw Soyeon's beautiful face. She looked vulnerable and defeated just like before. He averted his gazed to her body and noticed something, he sat up slowly trying to take a better look at it.


He didn't really saw them yesterday. He traced his fingers along the scars. There was at least more than 20 of them. He didn't realised he was crying until he felt his body shook a little.

She had been hurting herself ever since she came to the States. No one knew but but him. The first time he knew was when the day he took her innocence away.

He vividly remembered how hysterical her sobs were when he asked her a lot of questions regarding her scars. It was saddening to see the girl he loves suffered like this but what make him sadder was because he was one of the reasons behind these scars.

Or maybe two...

Or three...

Or half of them...

He traced the scars on her and cried silently, not wanting Soyeon to wake up. There was no new scars, most of them are fading lightly but still there. He felt relief that she had stop cutting herself.

But now maybe she'll continue again after what you had done.

I can't undo the do.

Soyeon flinched a bit when Dylan accidentally pressed one of the scars harder. Dylan backed away a little and watched as her eyelids fluttered open slowy. Her body hurt. Everything hurted so much. She tried to get up but failed miserably.

Why did my body hurt so much?

She looked at her side to see Dylan sitting on the bed Indian style while watching her.

"Dy-dylan what are you-" She didn't finished her words as all the memories from last night came to her like a tsunami.

"GO AWAY! PLEASE DON'T HURT ME." she gasped, her body shook terribly as tears starting to fall.

Every time Dylan scooted closer,  she'll move her sore body further away, whining for him to leave her alone. Dylan frowned at the sight, not liking the frightened look on Soyeon's face.

Soyeon grabbed a pillow behind her and threw at him. He didn't budge but chuckled at her failed attempted of keeping hin away.

"Please..Dylan...please let me're hurting me," she pleaded weakly.

Dylan frozed at the word.

No no no no he kept repeating to himself. Her lovely girl was hurting because of him.

Soyeon couldn't move further as she was already at the edge of the bed. One more move and she'll fall. She didn't want to hurt herself more than she already did. She had enough. She saw Dylan coming closer and there was a glint of regret in his eyes.

Her visions started to blur from her tears when she saw Dylan inching closer to her. A loud sobbed escaped her mouth whwn Dylan suddenly threw himself at her, pulling her into a tight hug.

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