Meeting The Angel

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I woke up by the sound of my alarm.I looked at the black digital clock on the table beside my bed with a blurry eyes.


Oh Shit! I'm late! I rushed from my bed and ran my way into the bathroom.

Usually,I'll just ignore it if I was late but not this time.Wufan said that the school president will be attending the school starting from today because he had settle down his bussiness overseas.

From what I heard, the president was a tough one. I wanted to meet him,ya know,just to see how tough was he.

I put on my snapback, tugging my hair in it, as usual,my appereance was the same as before, the only difference was I'm wearing the uniform that Wufan bought for me.

Suprisingly,the uniform fits me well and it was well-sewn too.I grabbed my bag and looked into myself for the last time before heading downstairs.

I wore blue-red converse and lock the door as I proceeded my way towards the school.


As I entered the gate, I saw 4 students doing push-up.

Weird.Why would they be doing push-up here? In their school uniform?

I shrugged it off and as I walked deeper towards the hell,someone tap my left shoulder.

"Where do you think you're going?" A male voice asked sternly.

"to the hell" I said sarcasticly without turning to face him.

"Now now young lady. You've violated 2 of my rules" he said emphasizing the word 'my'.


He turned me around to face him. He was a bit taller than me but he was neither as tall as Wufan nor Chanyeol. He was probably around Jongin's height. He has a good-looking face and a nice hair.

Is this school of modelling? Why were every students I met looked like they were being carved by God.

I thought to myself.

"Hey hey..what are you looking at?" he said waving his hands in front of me.

"Nothing" I replied bluntly as I pushed his hand from my shoulder.

"Now girl, first you're late and second, you're rude.I'm talking to you yet you didn't even turn to face me? Why?" he said furrowing his eyebrows.

"Now boy,first because I woke up late this morning.Second, are you Justin Bieber? No.So there's no reason for me to turn around.Now excuse me, I would like to proceed my way." I copied his word trying to walk away from him.

He tried to stop me but I just wave my hands and continued walking.

I knocked the classroom's door to hear a faint 'come in' from the teacher.I apologized for being late and walked my way to the table.

Owl smile at me as I sat down but turned his gaze back to the teacher while I doodled some useless thing on my notebook not hearing anything for today lesson.

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It was recess time.I sat alone on the table because I wanted to.Suddenly I heard someone coughed. Fake one might I add.

I rose my head to see Wufan with his food and Chanyeol trailing behind him.They sat infront of me.

What're they trying to do?

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