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No one's POV

There was a lot of screaming and hugging and kissing and fangirling through out the whole day. Soyeon still couldn't believe her besfriends at the States were here. In Seoul.

Turned out that both of them volunteered to be an exchange students from States. Nate hesitated a bit at first knowing he can't leave his parents for too long- he was a baby as what Suzy describe him- Suzy was the opposite. She was thrilled and excited to finally getting to meet her friend.

They got to choose their own school because the teachers knew that they'll behave even though they felt a bit worried about Nate knowing that boy can be a very annoying prankster.

Soyeon was mad at first seeing both of them. After almost a year they didn't even bother to call. Of course she, herself didn't do that but that was because she didn't have enough money to make an international calls.

They apologized saying the same reason as Soyeon although they knew she knew that they were rich but still they needed to save up for college- in Nate's case since he didn't want to depend on his parents money. Suzy's parents were different, she forced her to take the money from them.

Hell! She would ask for a planet to be name after her and her parents will surely did just that. Her parents loved her and she can't say no.

There was one time she rejected her mom's offer of buying her a One Direction's concert ticket because she wanted to use her own money and her mom didn't talked to her for 3 weeks. She ended up acccepting the money-half of it- so her mom won't be upset.

Throughout the whole day, she forgot about the fact that Choa was in the school too. She forgot about Sehun's attitude. She was too happy being with her friends here.

They were at Soyeon's flat talking about their days. Soyeon talked the most and the two bestfriends didn't even care. They watched her fondly missing how talkative she can be at times. They missed her and of course Soyeon missed them too.

The air around them became thick when Soyeon suddenly blurted out about Dylan. She had to spend time explaining what had happen, of course leaving the fücking part. Nate was furious. He was fuming with anger knowing very well what that guy was capable with.

"Relax Nate. He's gone now." Suzy said a little bit scared with Nate's sudden mood changes.

He was scary when he was mad.

"Yeah. You're right. I'm glad he's dead!" He spatted.

"Wait what? Who's dead?" Soyeon questioned.

Nate and Suzy looked at each other gulping slightly.

"Uh...Dylan..?" Suzy said timidly making it sounded more to a question than a statement.

"What?! No ! It can't be ! When?" Soyeon asked her breathing becoming unstable.

"I-I don't know...Two weeks before we're here? Nate told me he saw Dylan's body was taken by the police."

"What? Nate? Is this true? How? I-I- " Soyeon asked, tears threatening to fall.

Dylan might be a monster but he was Soyeon's monster. She might be crazy for saying this but Dylan was the one who helped her go through a lot. If not because of him she will probably died- she already had mentally- but with Dylan she felt safe. Eventhough he hurt her. He was like a brother.

Suzy hugged Soyeon seeing the girl body started to shake.

"He was being chased by the drug dealers from what I heard. He didn't delivered the last .....stuff. He used it for himself. "

"You must've heard it wrong. Dylan doesn't do drugs. It's impossible. He didn't-"

"He changed Melody." Nate said . Soyeon froze at the nickname. Nate rarely called her by that knowing how much she despised it.

"After you left....he suffered. All of us suffered. He searched everywhere, using all of his money just to find you. His club was on fire and it was being closed. He had nowhere to go except your old place. He searched for us and I felt pity for him, so I gave him your address. That was his last straw you know. I hate him but still you left him, the person who love you, and he was hurt." Soyeon cried softly as Suzy kept hugging her.

"My address?  Didn't I gave you my old one? At Mr.Choi's? How did he found this place?" She asked confusely.

"Well. Maybe he asked your house keeper? The old lady? You said you have one right? "

"Y-yea...but I- I never thought. He didn't show any sign that he's on drugs. I mean I know he's angry..and and sad but-" she was cut by Nate .

"You only left us with a piece of papers and nothing for him. I might hate him Soyeon, but still, if I were Dylan and you left without saying a thing I'll be devastated too. He loved you. I bet he still does. You should've at least say goodbye. He had to sell drugs to keep on living. I even heard he worked as a dish washer as a part time job just to have enough money to see you. I won't blame it all on you Soyeon. I mean I'm glad you ran away from him. He's not normal-"

"Stop saying that." Soyeon snapped.

"I'm sorry but you know I'm right. He's not in his right mind. You need to run, get away from him, yes I know that, but you should've at least write him something before you go." Nate finished.

"It's my fault isn't it?" Soyeon asked.

"No it's not-"

"It is. He died because of me. It's all my fault." Soyeon mumbled, her arms starting to itch, asking for her bestfriend.

"No, Soyeon he died because he was being chased by drug dealers and he was high on drugs. None of it was your fault," Suzy reassured as she cupped Soyeon's cheeks, wiping all her tears.

Soyeon shook her head mumbling "It's my fault " multiple times.

She stood up and locked herself in the room. Neither Nate nor Suzy minded to follow her, thinking that their bestfriend might need some time alone.

What they didn't know was to never let her be by herself.

Especially at times like this.

Because she was capable to break her promise just like the night before.

She kept breaking it again and again.


Thank you for reading!!

Your thoughts on Dylan?

He's one of my favourite characters tbh.

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