Ignore the Pain

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No one's POV

Soyeon was startled- when she came to school- by the amount of students in front of the hall. There was even a number of medias in front of the gate.

She was confuse as to why there was so many people until she heard one of the students murmuring 'looks like Choa is here', her eyes fixed on her phone. Soyeon turned at the girl with a questioning look.


The girl jumped a bit hearing someone's voice and looked up at Soyeon, widening her eyes before nodding slowly. Soyeon was really nervous for no reason but she hid it knowing that Sehun won't change his feelings over her with the sudden appearance of Choa.


She walked through all the people to see everyone cooing at the locker. Her locker to be exact. She furrowed her eyebrows and walked closer. Her eyes widen seeing her things was neatly placed on the floor. She saw a girl putting new stuff in her locker.

"What are you doing? " she asked the girl, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Uh?" the girl snapped her head and looked towards Soyeon.

"I'm putting my stuff in here," she shrugged.

"But that's my locker," she almost shouted at her.

"Oh! Are you Soyeon then? Hi! I'm Choa. Sehun said I can used this locker. He asked you to move to another locker," she said sickly sweet.

"He what ?! But this is mine! Why does he gave you this locker? How do you even passed the security on the locker?" Soyeon started to feel rage building in her.

"I asked him for this locker. It's cute and special so I just thought I can have it and the principal reset it for me," she smiled.

That old man really need some beating.


"I'm sorry. If you want this locker still, I think I have to find another locker then," she said sadly .

Before Soyeon could say 'Heck yas woman that's mine! Now fuck off!', Sehun interrupted her.

"Nevermind Choa, you can have that. Soyeon you move next to Ashley's locker."

"What are- "

"Come let's go," Sehun pulled her arm after gathered all her things on the floor. Soyeon was hurt but she hid it knowing she won't win against Sehun.

"Why," she said releasing her arm from Sehun's tight grip.

"She wants that locker Soyeon," Sehun sighed.

"But that's mine! You know that's mine! What the fuck are you thinking?!" She looked at Sehun angrily.

"Could you please lower your voice. She's one of the most influence girl in Korea. I can't say no!" He hissed at her.

"Yes you can!" She spatted.

"Look I don't want to argue with you but please just let her be."

"That is my locker, Sehun. Mine! Only me. Just because she is the most influence girl here doesn't mean she can take my locker! Everyone knows that's mine! Give her another one! What the hell! "

Sehun grabbed her arm harshly, "Listen Soyeon. I don't have time for this. I still have many things to do other than arguing this silly things with you. So just accept the new locker and let it go!"

Soyeon whimpered, knowing Sehun was unconciously pressing on her freshly made cuts. Her tears struggling to fall.

"Now put your stuff in there and stop complaining. You're just a scholarship student, be grateful he even give you a locker " Sehun mumbled the last part to himself, thinking he was the only one who can hear it before letting her go harshly and walked away.

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