I know It's You

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It was already 8pm. Where was that yoda?

I got up from the bench that I was sitting on, ready to leave when I heard a faint 'wait' from someone. I turned around to see Chanyeol running towards me.

He was wearing a soft pink adidas sweatshirt,black skinny jeans and a dark blue vans.

He looked kinda cute

"Yah! You're late! Very late !" I shouted as he approached me panting hardly.

He crouched a bit,both hands on his knees, trying to breath normally.

"Sorry..huh..that...me..bracelet..hah ha.." he panted.

"What? Can't you say it clearer?"

"I accidently drop your bracelet in the-" he sheepishly smiled after calming down.

"WHAT??!!! " I cut him off.

"Hey wait. Let me explain it first." I nodded my head angrily asking him to continue.

"I was looking at the bracelet then suddenly I felt like peeing so I wore it for a second. After I was done, I flushed the toilet but suddenly the bracelet dropped and luckily I managed to grab it before it goes missing" he explained,head hanging low.

"What?! Have you wash that?! Why did you wore it?! Can't you just leave it alone?!"

"I already wash it. Why are you yelling at me? You should thank me you know.What if there's someone else take it?"

"Ugh, thank I guess." I mumbled knowing he was right.

"Here" He grabbed my hand and put on the bracelet for me, tongu sticking out with his eyebrows furrowed trying to fasten it together using his large hand.

There was something so familiar with this situation but I didn't know what it was.

The way he put it on for me was the same way as....


He was not him...right? 

"There.You should be careful next time." he warned me sternly.


"You okay?" 

"Ye-yeah..I'll get going now."

"Wait let's go and grab bubbletea.You like it don't you?"

"Huh? Um"

"Kajja!" he pulled me towards the bubbletea shop.

"Exodus!" I accidentally screamed in excitement.

Chanyeol looked at me weirdly before shaking his head, a big mysterious smile plasteted on his face.

Bubbletea Shop

"What would you  two adorable couple want ?" the girl ask us.

"Eh? No we're-"

"One apple and one chocolate bubbletea please." Chanyeol butt in.

"Okay. Wait a minute." She said as she make our drinks and gave it to him.

"Thank you" He said kindly, paying our drinks, the girl nodded her head replying him kindly with 'welcome' before she took the order from the gut standing behind us.

"Let's sits there" he said pointing to the most hidden place at the shop.

Next to it was a big board that me and Yeol hung years ago with the permission from the owner of course.

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