That guy is hot

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Soyeon's POV

I woke up on a very comfy bed.I groaned and rubbed my eyes as I scanned the whole room.

Wait,this isn't my room.Where am I?

Suddenly I hear someone groaned and ? fell ?

"Ouchh.God Dammit! I shouldn't sleep on this. Urghh. My beautiful back now hurt. Are you okay babe?" He asked to his back?

What ?

After a minutes of blabbering,he rose his head towards me.

Ehh this was the guy that I bumped infront of that cafe

Why was he here? Is he shirtless?

Oh my goshh.

The couch was near the window so the sun shines on his tanned body.

"Take a picture it'll last longer." he said smirking. I just realised that I was checking him out.

"UH-No Im not.Just.You.Errr"I stuttered feeling my cheecks getting red.

"We've crosspath before right? Why are you in here? Why am I here?" I asked him looking at my finger trying to avoid looking at his body. He chuckled at my behaviour.

"You dont remember what happen yesterday?"

Yester-ouhh...was he the one that help me ?

"Are you the one who helped me yesterday?" I asked timidly, pointing my finger at him.

"How come you didn't remember that? Most girls remember this beautiful face saving them. They will even beg to be save again even though they are fine."he asked trying to sound sad but failed as he sees my poker face.

"Well sorry Mr.Daydream, but if you haven't noticed my head was hung down all the time yesterday."

"Mr.Daydream? I'm not daydreaming.I may be a bit drousy now but I am not daydreaming!I'm just stating facts"he retorted.

"Well.Okay" I replied not caring one bit.

"Hey you.You haven't answered my question yet.Why are you in here?"

"because this is my room." He answered in duh-it's-obvious tone.

"Why didn't you sleep in the other room knowing that Im here?Don't you have like any spare room or something ?"

"Just because" he shrugged.

I saw him looking at my shirt or that was what I thought I was in.I looked down following his gaze only to find myself wearing a really big shirt.

The collar hung low down my collarbone and I bet this shirt went passed my knees.

Oh my goshh! What happened yesterday.

"Why am I in this? Why are you shirtless?" I ask pointing at the shirt then towards him.

"Aww-You dont remember babe?" he said placing his big hand on his heart looking offended.

"Wha-W-What do you mean?"

"How come you didn't remember what happened yesterday. The sweat..The scream..the-" I cut him off.

"Wh-What d-do yo-you mean b-by th-that ?"

"Ouch.You really don't remember?" he asked pouting.

I felt myself getting angry,with this situation and his terrible pout caused me to feel really mad.

"Stop playing with me. Just answer that damn question.What happened yesterday?! " I snapped.

He was completely shocked with my action as his eyes went as wide a that owl boy.

"Whooa whoa Calm down you there."

"You better tell the fucking truth or I'll kill you in this room and leave your body here turning into corpse.The others in this house wouldn't even know you're dead because after will be them."I said threatening him

"Err-Tha-No.I mean Err.."

"What!" I snapped.

"Na-Nothing! It was just you were having a nightmare that wss why I'm here and all the sweat and scream and ...yeah that's it." I eyed him suspiciously.

"I didn't do anything! I swear.Please don't kill me.I'm still flawless." he said trying to seduce me with his oh-so-puppy-eyes.


The nightmares.I never want anyone to know about it.zi had been having nightmare since I moved to the States.

I hope he didn't ask me anything about the nightmare.

"Why am I in this? Did you change me? Why are shirtless?"I asked in a more calm tone.

"No you change it yourself. When I opened the door I found you lying on the floor. I always sleep without clothes.To bad it's a little cold yesterday if not you might be seeing me in nothing"he said wiggling his eyebrows and smirked as he sees my face that looked like a human tomato.

"wh-hat.What.Stop talking nonsenses stuffs" I said,mentally burying my head 6th feet under the ground. He chuckled a little.

"I better get ready.I need to go to school. You. Go and clean yourself too.I'll ask the housekeeper to bring you some clothes." he said getting up from the couch.

"Can't you just give me my clothes back? I need to go to school too."

"No. You're not going to school. I already called Mr.Woo and he said that you can take 2 days off."

"But I -"

"Hey don't talk back. He barely gave any of us 2 days off without any solid reason so consider yourself lucky that you're a scholarship student.He must've treasure you a lot"

Yeah treasured. More like afraid he'll be kicked out from the school.

"And don't wear normal clothes again when you go to school.The school's president will be back next week and he wouldn't like to see you in that clothes."

"Pre-President?" What does he mean by president? Is it the president as if the owner of the school?

"Nope not that president" he said,did I thought that loud.I should stop.

"This president is different.He was the one who take cares after the school. Like a class monitor but he's not a class monitor. Something like a head prefect.How come you didn't know that." he said shaking his head.

Oh..Thank goodness it wasn't the one that I thought.

" What am I supposed to wear? I don't have any money to buy uniform."

"I already bought it for you, no-dont refused" he said as he saw me trying to talk back.

"You're not wealthy enough to afford that uniform so I bought it."

"Well..okay" I said.He continued his walks towards the door but before he leave I stop him.


"Yas.You need anything?" He asked turning to face me.

"About the nightmare...could you please don't tell anyone? " I asked slowly,fiddling with fingers.

"Don't worry about it" he smiled.

"Thanks" he replied a soft welcome and went out of the door.

I sighed,flopping myself back on the bed.

That guy is hot.

I giggled lightly at my thoughts .


Thank you for reading!

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