Breaking Point

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No one's POV

Kyungsoo looked at Tao seeing the boy couldn't say anything and mentally asking Kyunsoo to tell the rest for him. Kyungsoo breathed out, sighing.



Everyone tensed at the name, all eyes darted towards Soyeon as she looked at them half calm, half worried.

"Er, so we'll be having three tranfer students omorrow?" Chanyeol said breaking the awkward silent.

Soyeon kept her head down-thinking if Choa was transferring there then Sehun must knew about this.

Was that what he had been busy with?

He knew?

Soyeon shook of her thought when Kyungsoo nudged her slightly. She smiled half heartedly at all of them.

"Well looks like there'll be war soon." Tao said, looking sassiky at Soyeon. She looked at him annoyed.

"Wait. Why aren't you asking about Choa? " Chen asked towards Soyeon. She shrugged her shoulder

"Do I need to?" She said nonchalantly but there was a glint of anxious in her voice that only Chanyeol knew since she was his bestfriend after all.

Everyone looked at her wide eyes except Kaisoo and Chanbaek.

"Do you know who Choa is?" Tao asked, Soyeon shrugged again.

"Sehun ex- girlfriend "

"How did you know that?" Tao gawked at her. He was always the overdramatic one. One of the reasons why Soyeon can't stand him.

"You do realized that she has a crush on him ever since they were kids right? And oh yeah let's not forget that she used to stalk him, didn't you? " Kai snickered causing Soyeon eyes looked like they'll come out of the socket.

"Ho-How d-did you know?" She asked and blush started to creep on her cheeks. There was only two person who knew about this, Chanyeol and Baekhyun.

She looked at Baekhyun but he shrugged, raising both his arms saying it was not him then looked at Chanyeol who was playing with his food-guilt written all over his face. He raised his head and smiled sweetly at her, the one where she knew he fucked it up.

"Chanyeol told me" Kai smirked fully knowing he wasn't supposed to tell.

Chanyeol gasped at him, not believing he betrayed him and Kai only grinned at Chanyeol, knowing shit was about to go down.

"PARK CHANYEOL!" before she could pounded on him the bell rung.

Chanyeol sprung out of his seat and headed out of cafeteria as fast as he can, stumbling by doing so and yelled "goodbye and see you after school" out loud.

Soyeon was drag by Baekhyun out of her seat and she felt like burying herself under the table because Kai and Chen kept on pestering her about the crush thingy not after Kyungsoo smack them. Tao only judge the whole scene, thinking of ways on how he can killed Soyeon because just looked at how annoying that face was.


Soyeon groaned tiredly when she arrived at her locker. Today was the last day of her duty of cleaning the school. She should've be done earlier but because of her habit of the ditching just to be with Sehun, she had to clean the school longer.

She didn't understand why she needed to do all of that when the whole school was already cleaned and polished but she didn't complain out loud. Her mind was already a mess considering they'll be having 3 new students tomorrow and one of them was Choa.

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