Flashback II

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Soyeon walked through the school hall just to be greeted by her two bestfriends, Suzy and Nate.

They had been with her since her first day at the highschool. Suzy and Nate didn't hang out with just anyone considering they were the popular duo in the school.

They were extremely choosy when it came to friend but with Soyeon,it was different.

They didn't start of easily though.Suzy really hated Soyeon when she got here because she thought that Soyeon wss a foreigner and she didn't like the idea of Soyeon staying with a stipper but eventually they made up and now they were unseparable.

Suzy and Nate was friends since they were 4, as Suzy befriended with Soyeon, Nate automatically followed her.

They were always there to help Soyeon when she gets bullied

"Ayyo" Nate waved his hand as he saw Soyeon. Suzy following behind him.

"Hey" Soyeon replied a bit too loud, receiving glares from the other students.

"Let's go. We have Biology in first class." Suzy said.

"You meant you and Soyeon have biology. I have addmath " Nate complained.

"Aww. It's not that hard you know. Addmath is actually pretty easy." Soyeon said teasingly.

"Says the one who fails the addmath test every single time" Nate snorted, eolling his eyes.

"Shut up"

"Hey hey.Cut it off you two.We're late. Let's go." Suzy pulled Soyeon away from Nate not before she smacked Nate on the back of his head.

"Heyy..Auchh..You'll pay for that.." Nate whined hearing the girls laughed at him.


"Soyeon...here.." Suzy handed her a piece of envelope as they sat on the table.

"What's this?"

"Just..Open it."

Soyeon opened the envelope,Nate and Suzy looked at each other, waiting,a huge grin plastered their faces.Her eyes widen when she read the content of the letter.


"No worries..we just want her to get a better life. She deserves it."

"But-..How am I going to repay this..?"

"No need"

"What?! No No..I cant-"

"She needs this..You need this"

"Thank you so much. You help us a lot." Soyeon mumbled,hugging Suzy in a tight hug,tears fell from her eyes

"No problem...That's what bestfriend do..." Suzy patted her back trying her best to calm the crying girl.

"I don't know what to say.."

"You already said thank you.That's enough,what's with the tears? Do girl cry over everything? " Nate shook his head earning a playful glare from Soyeon.

"Shut up"

"That's the only thing you know. Shut up" he mimicked Soyeon's voice.

Suzy rolled her eyes at her friend.

"You need to widen your choice of words. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to steal your potato chips and run" Nate laughed, running as fast as he can out of the cafe after doing so.

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