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No one's POV

Soyeon woke up by the sound of her phone. She hissed when she accidentally dragged her wounded arms on the blanket. She ignored the pain and took her phone on the table beside her bed to see Sehun's name on the screen.She opened the text and grinning afterwards at what Sehun sent her.

From : ThehUn👑

Good morning! Wakey wakey ! Hope you're early today. I'm sorry for yesterday and I promise I'll make it up to you /pout/ . Please ? xx

To : ThehUn👑

It's okay. I know you're stress up with all the works. I'm sorry too :) xx

Soyeon replied after 5 minutes of contemplating. Almost instantly, she got another message.

From : ThehUn👑

Do you forgive me ? :/

Soyeon smiled . She can clearly imagined the pout on Sehun's face making her cooed a little.

To : ThehUn👑

'course :) can't get mad at you even if I want to :) See you at school. Gotta get ready x

From : ThehUn👑

Yehet ! Thank you so much ! See ya ! xxxxx

Soyeon never bothered to reply as she got up and headed to the bathroom.

She went to the living room -complete in her uniform - and was shock to see her bestfriends laying on the floor. Yesterday's events came to her head. She sighed and woke the two sleepy head.

"Suzy...Nate...wake up," she said lightly getting no other reactions but a loud groaned from both of them. She tried once again and decided to try the usual way that she always use to wake them up back in States if they have a slumber party.

She got up and grinned heading to the kitchen and opened her fridge to take out the frozen fish out. She washed the fish a bit trying to get rid some of the frozen ice on them.

She walked towards the two bestfriends and sat in between them. Nate's mouth was hang opened. His right arms was underneath Suzy's head and his left arm was on his stomach .

Both of his legs were wide open. He was only wearing a boxer but Soyeon didn't care, she had seen him this way a lot of time back in the States. Suzy slept on his right side, turning her back on Nate, her head on Nate's right arm.

Soyeon grinned widely slowly picking up the fishes from the Tupperware. She put one on Nate's mouth and the other on Suzy's left cheeck. She stood up and grabbed her phone turning on the camera.


"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS EEEEEE OHMYGOD WHO- " both of the them woke up with eyes wide open brushing off their cheeks-mouth in Nate's case - frantically.

They snapped their head towards Soyeon who was currently laughing her ass off on the floor, clutching her stomach .

"Urghhhhhh should've guess you're back with us. Why did we even come here, again?" Nate groaned throwing the cushion pillow towards Soyeon.



They arrived at school late. Soyeon only stopped laughing after 10 minutes and she was still grinning. Suzy and Nate kept on cursing at her mumbling and threatening how they won't sleep at her place again if she showed the picture that she took that morning to other people which of course was only an empty threat.

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