School ???

228 9 0

Soyeon's POV

I woke up early today.It was just 8.30 a.m.I cleaned myself and put on a black tank top and a pairs of blue-black jeans,not forgetting my leather jacket to keep me from the cold.

I headed downstairs and thinking of grabbing breakfast at Guo Cafe.I wore my snapback and tugged my hair in it.I put on my favourite black converse and decided to just take the subway or a bus since I didn't have any licenses and I didn't want to use the cars that dad- I mean Mr.Choi bought for me .

Along the journey,I kept on thinking about the letter.I was too deep in thoughts that I didn't notice I bumped onto someone.

"Watch where youre going " he scoffed.

"Sorry,my bad." I apologized as I tilted my head and lifted both my hands in front of my face looking as if I'm praying,eyes closing feeling bad for not looking.

I opened one eyes and took a moment to admire his features.

He was handsome and incredibly tall.My head can only reached his lower chest. He was not a human being.He was an alien! I giggled at my own thoughts.

"What's so funny ? " the guy asked.Uh-oh looks like my giggles caught his attention.

Did I giggled that loud?

" Err..nothing..sorry.. " I said as I saw him moved closer to me.

What was he's trying to do? I can feel my cheeks burning.I might be looking like a tomato right now.

Why am I blushing in the first place though?

Before I could said anything he said "Whatever " ,coldly and left.

What.was.that. ?? Weird..I just shook my head and entered the cafe.

I ordered some pancakes and fresh orange.I sat at the corner of the cafe.There was a window beside me allowing me to enjoy the scenery outside of the cafe.

I decided to stay a little longer in the cafe since I have nothing else to do.Suddenly,I heard my phone rang.

Me : Oh,Ahjumha .Ssup ?

Ahjumha : Eyy Soyeon ? You're awake ? woahh this is something new..emmm

Me : Ahjumha are you calling me to check whether I'm awake or not or just to tease me ?

Ahjumha : Err..both ? Hahah.Okay just kidding.I forgot to tell you that you have school on Monday.

Me : WHATT ??!! I didn't remember signing up for any school since I get here.How can -

Ahjumha : Well,I already registered it for you.Your dad asked me too because he knew that you're back in Seoul.You'll be attending as a scholarship student since your dad knew that you wouldn't like it if the students know that you're the daughter of the owner of the school.

Me : WHAOO..WAIT.WHAT? I'LL BE ATTENDING HIS SCHOOL ? Didn't I have to take any test or exams to attend that school? I know that he wouldn't want just any random people entering that school.He probably want a rich and smart students only right ?

Ahjumma : Yas.You're the first scholarship student there and about that exam...remember when I told you to take quizzes before your final test at States ?

Me : Yas.You told me that the exam is great to enhance my brain and-whoa wait..Shut.up.dont tell me that was the exam..Ughh..Ahjumhaa !! You're such a slyfox for an old women.I knew there was something wrong about the test.Ughh

Ahjumha didn't say a thing.There was a long silence so I broke it scared that I might hurt her with my word.

Me : ahjummha ? Hello ?Are you there ? Did I just offended you ahjumha? Ahjumha ??

Ahjumha : You just told me to shut up earlier.Haha.Well back to the story.Your school stuff that your dad bought you was in my room. You know what to bring right? I have to go.Bye Yeonnie.Don't dissapoint me okay ? I'm having a hard time settling your school stuff.Bye and dont skips meals.

Me : But-

Before I could say anything else,she already hung up.

Why Why Why I said to myself as I repeatedly banged my head against the table.

I lifted my head to find everyone staring at my direction with a weird expression plastered on their face.

Great now they probably think that I'm crazy.

I rose up from my seat and exited the cafe not forgetting to pay for my meals and headed to my-i mean Mr.Choi's home.

Earlier incidents

Someone's POV

I walked past the cafe when suddenly someone bumped into me. "Watch where you're going " I scoffed.

"Sorry,my bad," she apologized as she tilted her head and lift her hands closer to her face, she looked like she was praying or something.

Waitt..this face..

I was quite shock when I found out who was the girl that just bumped onto me.I'm back to the reality when I heard her giggling.

"What's so funny ?" I asked her rising up one of my eyebrows.

"Err..nothing..sorry " she replied.I moved closer to her face.I can see she was blushing.

"Whatever " I said coldly and left her there dumbfounded.

Looked like you're back,Soyeon.

This will be very interesting.


Thank you for reading!

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