What's with My Heart?!

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I can't believed I told him that, it was so embarrassing. I walked out of the school to see Chanyeol standing by the gate.

Great. Just great. How am I supposed to get out? Wasn't he supposed to be at home now? It past more than 2 hours since the school ended.

I shrugged it off and walked casually. The urged to hug him after all these dreadful years was overpowering me.

Relax Soyeon.

"Wait-where are you going?" He asked, stopping me dead on my track.

"Home," I said, avoiding his eyes.

"Oh. Have you seen Baek?" I nodded.

"He's still here? Wher-" Chanyeol hadn't got the chance to finish as Baekhyun screamed out his name.

That was my cue to leave.

"Where are you going?" Chanyeol asked, stoping me.

"I told you...I'm going home.You have those large ears but still can't listen properly?" I said jokingly.

"Do you..uh...have some time? I uh want to ask if you..uh wanna hang out with us" he said rubbing his neck.

"No..I have to go to work,"

"Work? You work? Where? Maybe we could hang out after you work?"

"I don't have time to hangout with you. I rather sit infront of broken tv than hanging out with you," I left him with hurt written all over his face, Baekhyun stared at me, confused with my sudden rude atttitude.

Even though I did think of forgiving him, didn't mean that I could act like nothing happened. He left me and sorry was still not gonna changed the fact that he left me.

I thought about a lot of things this past few days. He could've just come and searched for me, it supposed to be easy for him to do that.

He can at least writes me a letter if he didn't want to personally met me but I got nothing.

He didn't even apologized properly yet. If he even care about our friendship, he will look for me or apologized right after he recognized me but none of that happened.

I shook my head getting read of the unwanted thought that was slowly creeping in my mind. My shift started at 6pm so I had less than an hour or so to get ready.

~~~Fast forward ~~~

My shift already ended 15 minutes ago and here I was sitting on the bench at the park near my house. I looked at the sky that was covered by beatiful shining stars and smiled to myself lightly.

I put on my earphones, pressing the shuffle button and One Direction's song, Over again, started to play. I smiled to myself remembering all the Larry videos Suzy showed me. She was legit one of the darkest Larries ever.

Not that I'm complaining. We would spent the whole day talking about One Direction or 5SOS and Nate would always whined that neither of us wanted to hear him ranted about Justin Bieber. I really missed them.

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