Cute Jeon and His Secrets

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(⚠ there is a mention of suicide and self harm. If you're easily triggered,please skip the part, it'll start with this ⚠ and end with the same symbol too.)


After that night with Chanyeol, I went back with a huge smile on my face. I got my bracelet back and I started to remember some of my childhood moments.

Ahjumha called me later that night telling me she won't be able to come back in the exact time. She told me she had to looked after her sicked son.

I almost believed her when I heard his voice. He sounded sick. I wasn't sure if it was really him, I haven't heard from in in so many years.

I'd like to keep it that way.

I was at the rooftop of the school, eating the lunchbox that I packed together with a scared Jungkook.


I arrived at school with a lunchbox in my hand. Ahjumha forced me to give it to the guy who helped me with the incidence at school few days prior.

I wasn't sure how she knew about that though.

I walked out of the building,searching for the guy who saved me. He wasn't at the cafe or library so I had to search every where for him.

I stopped my tracks when I saw a group of students looking up,phones on their hands.Security guards yelling at them to disperse but they didn't do so.

I followed their gaze to find the guy who had save me standing shakily on the top of the building, tears wetting his cheeks.

The crowd was so loud. Yelling and screaming. I even saw a girl crying yelling for him to come down but her voice was to small compared to the yelling.

My eyes widen in realization.

He was going to kill himself.

I looked around and saw the bullies smirked at the guy, recording the whole thing. Kai laughed out loud calling him a pussy for not jumping right away.

My gazed fell on Chanyeol's worried posture. He was giving the guy a worried looked. He kept on biting his lips, jumping slightly, a habit he had when he was nervous and panicking.

Help him you idiot! Giving him that look won't save him!

His eyes slowly looked away from that boy and our eyes met. He smiled warily at me but I stared at him, unamused with his attitude.

He dropped his eyes to my lunchbox.

The food!

Oh hell no. I didn't prepare this whole thing early in the mornig all by myself just for it to get wasted. Before I realised, I was running to the rooftop leaving a confused Chanyeol behind me.

I opened the door as soon as I was there. I locked the door once I stepped on the rooftop and moved closer to the guy.

His hands gripping tightly on the railing,his knuckles turnt white from the grip.

"If you're gonna jump you have to loosen the grip," I chuckled, moving closer to him.

The guy jumped in shocked not expecting anyone to be here at this moment.

"Stay there! Don't come closer! I warn you!" His eyes widen when he saw me ignored him and inched closer.

"Good views from up here huh? " I said chuckling a bit.

I looked down to see everyone with wide eyes especially Wufan, Chanyeol. I heard Wufan yelling at me to get down before running into the building followed by Chanyeol.

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