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Wufan's room

I'm packing all of my things when I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in. It's unlocked"

The door squeaked open and it revealed Wufan's head.

"What are you packing?" He asks as soon as he entered the room, walking towards the bed and sat on it.

"My things" I answered him shortly.

"Why?" he asked furrowing his thick eyebrows.

"Today is the last day I'm staying here remember? We have school tomorrow "

"What do you mean by that?"

"Told ya I'm staying here only until 'my holiday' is over which is today."

"B-but...haih..Want me to drive you home?"

Home? As if Mr.Choi's house? That mansion?

I can't let him know I'm staying there.

"Ho-home? Like my home, home? "

"Ohoh! No, home like Kai's dog home.Of course it's your home " Wufan looked at me weirdly.

"Uh..but.Uh..you can't..." I trailed my word as I stood in front of him.

"Why? It's not that bad right? C'mon! Let me drive you "

"Uhh..It's just car can't go past that..uhh..neighbourhood so it'll be a waste of time." I lied.

"Then we'll use my bike"

"Uh. B-bike? Uh..nono .uhh..bike can't enter that place too "

"What?! Where did you live? Narnia? Geez..." he frowned.

"Well..huh..I can just take the train and walk.It's not that far" I lied shrugging my shoulder.

"Okay .I'll drop you at the train then? " he offered,smiling lightly.

Why is he being so difficult?

"Nah..it's okay.Told ya it's not that far.I'm fine by my own."

"Okay then. Whatever. I'll be downstairs. Call me if you need anything " I nodded my head watching him get off of the bed and left the room.

That was close..I need to find a job and a new house or a flat as soon as possible though.

In the Living room

"Hey! Giant I'm going " I hollered,walking down the stairs.

"Eh? O-okay.Are you sure you'll be fine by yourself?"


"Hey, did you take the school uniform I bought for you?" Wufan asked approaching me.

"Uh,what? "

"You didn't take it right? "

"Hehe.Nevermind I'll buy with my own money ."

"No can't do. I bought it for you so you must accept it." He said before he calling Kat to bring my new school uniform.

"Here, take this " he handed me a paper bag with a nicely fold uniform in it.

"Uh-thanks. I guess. I'll pay you back okay? "

"Nah. No need. Just keep your money for yourself"

"O-okay. Thanks for everything" he nodded his head,hugging me before I went out.


As soon as Soyeon leave, I texted Chanyeol to tell him that she already left. Chanyeol asked me to text him if she left yesterday. I didn't know why though .

That kid was so strange.

Soyeon's house


Waw. That was tiring. I have to find a new house and job faster if not people will know about my true identity.

I didn't want that to happen.

The only thing that was stopping me from moving was yeollie.

I hope I'll get to see him. I hope he'll remember me. I would like to stay here only until I met yeollie because I know he'll find me.

If I didn't meet him until next week then I'm leaving.


So you still live here. I said to myself smiling cheekily. I miss you Yeonie-ah. Now that you were here I'm going to make sure that we will never be apart again.
Not even by a small tablet of sleeping pill.


Thank you for reading!

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