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This chapter will be a flashback about Soyeon's life, that caused her to act differently.



"Come, I'll show you our new house." Mr Choi said smiling .

"I don't want to come with you."


"Are you deaf or what?! I said I don't want to come nor live with you."

"Excuse me,I'm your father and you'll do what I say."

"No! You're not my father!" She stormed out from the airport not hearing Mr.Choi hollering her name.

That was when all the bad things started to happen.Without money or a home.Where would she go in that big city?

She only knew one thing, she would never go back to her father. Even if she wanted to,it was just too late.


5 months later.

After she left her father at the airport, Soyeon had no where to go.

She soon was discover by Aunt Jessie in the middle of the night. She treated her well, gave her foods, cloths, education and everything.

Soyeon soon started to trust Aunt Jessie but less that she knew, her trust will be crush by just one 'client'.

Aunt Jessie treated her very well but it soon changed after several months.

She started to blame herself for believing and trusting on people so easily. She soon promised,never will she ever trust anyone anymore.

It was just too much for a lonely girl like her.

"Auntie I'm going to school" Soyeon mumbled as she saw Aunt Jessie sitting on the couch with a cigarettesbetween her fingers.

"Whatever."Aunt Jessie snapped at her.

"Come home early, we have a client. " and by client she meant her regular customers.

Confuse? Aunt Jessie worked as a stripper.

She started off at the age 15 in order to support her life and mainly her family.

Was this her decision?

Not at all, her mom tried to persuade her to get into the wild life just to pay for their debts but she refused each time, until one day, her mom sold her to a club.

She couldn't did anything but accepted her fate. His brother needed to graduate and she had to help her mom.

Like Soyeon, she stopped trusting people after that especially her mom. She was no longer being abused by her alcoholic mom but by the people that forced themselves into her.

She had no other choice, she tried to run but she found herself going back to the club because she thought it was better to had such job,earned bunches of money rather than sleeping on the street.

As stupid as it may sounded, it was her only options. She told herself every time she regretted her decision.

It worked well for her. She was one of the top strippers in the club.There was a lot of hormonal men and even women looking for her.

They even willing to wait for hours in order to be with her.Well, then again, who wouldn't wanted to hook up with a pretty girl like her?

She had everything that a guy could dreamt off and a girl could envied.

The only thing she lacked was a heart.

She did regret having a job as a stripper in such an early age.She was suppos to be in school, studying, dating and laughing with her friends but that was the problem.

She can't...She just can't help living a poor life only to have a piece of biscuit and plain water everyday.

Her life was nothing but a living hell.

Did she ever complained?

No, because this was the life that she chose. No matter how hard she cried herself to sleep every single day, she knew that she can't change it. She just had to keep moving.

Now that Soyeon was here, she was planning to make her life exactly like hers.She wanted to drag her into this hell.

It was because she found out that Soyeon was actually Mrs.Choi's daughter, the one who was in charge of putting her life like this.

She used to have a wonderful family with her happy and bright mom, her little brother and her beloved father but everything changed after her dad met Soyeon's mom, they started to go out more often.

Jessi will find her parents bickering and shouting their lungs out as if they were standing 5km apart. The next thing she knew, her father left them in the cold house with nothing but a lot of debts.

She had no other choice but to let her mom sold her in order to pay for their debts.

She hated Mrs.Choi since then. If hating someone can make people's rich, then she'll be the richest woman alive.

Soyeon didn't know aboit the whole facade.Jessi wouldn't want to tell her.It'll ruin her plan. She'd plan this for a long time, since the day she found out about Soyeon being Mrs.Choi's daughter.

She'd planned this very well,she treated her nicely in order to gained her trust, buying her stuffs even though she can't afford it.

Less that she knows, she had developed a feeling towards her, not a lover's kind of feelings but more to mother-daughter's feelings.

It had been 5 months and she knew she had to make up her plan. Fast because the debt collecter will be here today and she needed more money.

When she saw Soyeon this morning, something ticked her, it was Soyeon she was going to sell.


The girl who listened to all her rants about her life, a girl who worked in the flower shop in order to help her paid her debts, the one that was there when she was sad, the one who consoled her when she was feeling miserable.

The one that cheered her up, never once forget to thank her for taking care of her and always patient with her rude attitude.

Soyeon! It's Soyeon. She has nothing to do with this whole thing. She was just a victim just like her.

Here I am, being a softy again.

No, I won't let this one go away. She may be kind but she was also the daughter of my ultimate enemy, she thought to herself.

Today, she'll make Soyeon see how hell looked like.

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