Save Me

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I entered my room as soon as I get home. Can't believe Sehun was the jerk that I fall in love with.

I guess pain really changed people.

I hopped out of my clothes and decided to wash myself and go to sleep. It was a very tiring day, fortunately, I've found a job at a cafe and I can started working tomorrow. It was gonna be busy from now on.

The cafe was a little bit far from here but I'll manage. I also needed to find another place to stay. I didn'twant anyone to know I lived here.

I needed to wait till Ahjumha returned since I can't leave without noticed and that will probably be aeound three months because Ahjumha said she got something to do.

She didn't tell me what it was and I didn't bother asking, I didn't want to intrude in her personal matters no matter how close we were.

The house felt a little bit creepy without her. I sometimes felt like someone was watching me but when I turned, I saw no one. I knew I was being paranoid but how can you not when you were leaving all by yourself in this mansion.

I tugged myself in and slowly drifted to sleep hoping I wouldn't get any nightmares today. I needed a good sleep at least once. I couldn't bear to have another nightmare.

I groaned as I rose from my bed because the sound of the front door being knock. I ought to hear somwone knocking when I was sleeping because I used to opene the door for Jessie when she came back.

I once got beaten so hard when I didn't hear she knocked. I was more alert since then.

The censor in my room beep loudly because everytime there was a person at the door, the censor that Mr. Choi put will beep through the whole room in case someone falls asleep and didn't hear the knock.

What a good idea Mr.Choi.

I can tell whoever that person was he or she was getting pretty impatient. The knocking went louder and louder and soon turned into pounding. I looked at the clock on my phone to see it was almost 4 am.

My heart started to beat really fast.Who the hell come to someone house at 4 in the morning?I was a bit mad someone disturbed me this early but I also felt something weird, I just shrugged the feeling off.

Carefully, I headed to the door, heart beating like crazy and I could felt sweat started to from all over me. I shakily picked up the bat that Ahjumha placed beside the door, gripping it tightly

The knock gets louder as time past by, the handle was being twisted at the same time, giving me goosebumps. I slowly put my hand on the hande and clutched the bat tighter. The pounding stopped when twisted the handle.

When the door swung open, I found no one standing at the door. I nervously peeked everywhere,seeing nothing but the darknest around the house. I was sweating like crazy and I can felt my pyjamas starting to get wet.

The person must've gone before I opened the door. I tried to calm myself and shut the door quickly, decided to head to my room.

I needed to stay safe.

I left the bat by the door and trudged my way to my room. Walking faster than I had before.

"Looking for someone?" I heard a voice causing me to stopped on my track.

That voice! That voice was in my nightmares!

He walked closer to me, the small light from the kitchen illuminated his face.

That-he-how come!

"Come here darling, it's been a very long time isn't it?" he said smiling wickedly.

"Wh-what are y-you doi-ng here?" I trembled in fear watching him inched closer to me.

"Oh baby, why? Don't you miss me?" I cringed at the nickname.

I backed away from him and realised I was at a dead end. I yried to opened the door slyly but failed.

He pinned me on the door and laughed at me.

"You've been very naughty since I was gone huh," I felt a tear fell down my cheeks.

He licked the tears and smiled, "Don't cry, I won't hurt you, ever,"

I pleaded him to let me go but he only laughed at me. He started kissing my neck ignoring me trashing in his gripped.

My eyes fell on the bat I left at the door earlier and trying my best to gripped it. I swung it on his head causing him to groan but not letting go of me.

He took the bat and threw it somewhere before slapping me hard on the face.

"Pl-ease let me go," I sobbed earning a loud laugh from him.

"I can't do thay baby, I miss you so much," he grinned.

I was a crying mess when he syarted to touch me. I kneed him on the balls and ran to the stairs. I turned around and saw him crouching on the floor, groaning in pain.

I ran as fast as I could but the stairs felt like it was moving away from. I blinked my eyes multiple times trying to see clearly but everything turned into a blurry sight.

I felt my legs being pulled by the guy and I tried to scream for help but no sound was heard. He dragged me somewhere while laughing loudly.

I tried to stopped him but failed each time,suddenly I found myself drowning me in the water.

I gasped loudly, trying to figure out what was happening. My whole body was drown in the water and I looked up to see the guy laughing at me, not helping me at all. I tried to go to the surface but failed.

He jumped into the water and pulled me down further from the surface. I was screaming and praying for help but no one came.

This is the end.

I almost lose my breath when I saw someone hands reaching for me. The hands was so beautiful. His fingers was feminine. He pulled me up and the guy from earlier moved away before vanishing.

I gasped and looked at my surrounding to find myself in a pool of sweat. I tried catching my breath.

That was a dream.

I wiped the tears that cascaded whem I was sleeping and changed myself, locking my bedroom door and turning on the light, too afraid of what would happened if I was in the dark.

I thought about the weird dream I had. It was always the same nightmares but the last part, I never had it before. The was never someone saving me in my dream. I calm myself and plugged in some music trying to fall back to sleep.

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