Aglio Aglio and Promises

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No one's POV

Everyone was preparing for the graduation day. Only Wufan, Luhan, Suho and Yixing though, the rest still have another year.

Everyone was sad that they were going to leave the school especially Sehun and Tao but Sehun managed to let Luhan go since he knew he'll meet him again. The lads didn't even know why Sehun was overeacting, they live nearby for fck sake.

Tao was on another case. Having a crush on the tall guy, Wufan didn't make it easier, they further away from each other too. He cried a lot and finally he was able to let him go after lot of consoling and kisses from Wufan.

Wufan do know about the boy had a crush on him but never did he said anything. Not until he figured out his own feelings though because he never had any feelings towards guy before, not intil recently. He was genuinely confused but he ignored it.

I may be bisexual? 

Fast forward~~~

The ceremony went well except a few shouts here and there from the girls whenever the MC mentioned the 4 princes names.

"Are you sure you're not going to stay here?" Tao whimpered. Eyes filled with tears.

" know I have to complete the business there. I'll be back okay. I'll come visit you whenever I can," Tao only nodded, weeping sadly as Kris pulled him closer...

Don't leave me.I love you...

Tao mentally told him.

They pulled apart and Wufan wept the tears on Tao face, smiling proudly at his small panda.

"You okay," Sehun asked Luhan as he saw the pretty boy staring at Tao.

" won't forget me .....right?" he asked, voice barely audible as he looked up at Sehun with a glassy eyes.

Sehun nodded.

"Thank you," Luhan pulled Sehun into a hug.

"I promised to come visit whenever I can okay. Please don't forget me." Luhan whispered lowly, letting the first tear fell.

He was taken aback when he heard sniffles coming from Sehun. He smiled slightly and hugged him closer.

"Hey hey it's okay. I'll still be here. Don't cry. You have the other lads too. I promised to visit. Okay?" he felt Sehun nodded on top of his head.


"Promise." He smiled sweetly. Fighting the urge to cry harder. He needed to be strong. For Sehun.

"You promised so you can't break it okay. When we meet we can go to and grab some bubbletea," he said pulling apart- wiping his tears.

Luhan could only smiled, flashes of memories of them sitting in the cafe together came through his pretty little mind.

Yixing and Suho was already on the plane. Yixing going to Canada and Suho to Perth. Luhan and Wufan pulled away from their beloved maknae and hugged the other boys.

All of them wishing them a safe flight.

Soyeon wrapped her arms around Sehun, calming the boy.

Yas. Soyeon.

After the text that night, they had gotten closer. Sehun would sometimes took her to dinner or what they called a perfect date. Most of the nights consist of them eating in a fancy restaurant, much to Soyeon's dismay.

Sometimes Sehun took her to a latenight stargazing and all the romantic stuff that he knew. Everything was too fancy but Soyeon didn't really complain even though she didn't like it that much.

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