Everyone's a liar

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No one's POV

A month later

Soyeon had been staring at the calendar for almost an hour. The number 7 on the calendar was mark with a big 'X' under the month of October.

Four more weeks.

She sighed and put the calendar away. She grabbed her phone and headed to the kitchen, drinking some water to calm her throbbing head.

The throbbing was getting worst day by day but she shrugged it off knowing it neither last nor hurt that long. She dragged herself to the couch and waited a few more minutes before decided she needed to go to school.

She'd been skipping many classes and she already got a warning letter from the principal.

It was not entirely her fault. Choa kept on luring her to skip school and hang with her and of course Soyeon can't say no. Her friendships with Nate and Suzy was starting to fall considering they barely talked to her anymore because she was too preoccupied with Choa.



"I see you're late again." Soyeon looked up from leaning her forehead at the locker to look at Ashley.

She hummed not knowing what to replied. "You really need to stay away from Choa. She's not good for you." Soyeon snorted at her.

"As if you know her." she rolled her eyes.

"I might not know her as much as you do but I know Sehun more than you and believe me when I say there's something going on between them."

"There's. NOTHING. going on between them. They're over and you need to stop with all of these. You've been saying these things for months ever since I moved next to you. You don't know anything okay. Shut up and don't jump into conclusion." Soyeon whispered- yelled as she can feel the throbbing feeling in her head once more.

"Oh yea? Over? Then why did I saw them snogging each other yesterday when you're absent? That's over each other too? Don't be stupid Soyeon" Ashley rolled her eyes, looking slightly worried because Soyeon looked pale.

"W-what? N- No. You're lying and I'm not fool enough to fall for your words.You know what ? You need to shit the hell up and stop making bullshit rumors about my boyfriend and her ex which is also my friend. You're just jealous that he's not yours aren't you? So you just make stupid shits about them so you can get him back? Oh c'mon Ashley, I thought you're better than this. "

Soyeon was trying so hard not to break. She had a feeling of Sehun cheating on her but she ignored him. They talked everyday and Sehun told her he loved her.

"What? I'm not getting back on that guy and I'm not making stupid rumors! You should've trust me! I've been nothing but warned you about them. I've seen it with my own eyes. I don't want you to get hurt! How could you say that?"

"You don't want me to get hurt? Why do you care if I'm hurt? Just fucking say that you're jealous of me and leave my life alone!"

Soyeon hissed, blinking her eyes multiple times when she the throbbing feeling in her head became worse and her eyesight was starting to become blurry.

"I'm not jealous of you! What-"

"Then what? Tell me why do keep on saying these things. Tell me why you keep making up stupid stories! Fucking tell me why yo-"

Soyeon was cut by a pair of lips on hers and her eyes widen as she looked at the one who was pinning her on the locker.


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