It is her

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At the school

Chanyeol's POV

How dare Kris left me alone at his mansion.Luckily the housekeeper greeted me when she saw me laughing all by myself like a maniac.Gezzz that giant,he's gonna get it from me.

I entered the school and parked my car in my parking lot.In this school, you'll get your own parking lot but usually the students here didnn' t drive their car especially the ladies,their own drivers or chapperauns will drive them and left afterward, that was why most of the parking lot was always empty.There were just a few of cars and motorcycles in here.

I searched for Kris as soon as I stepped foot in the hallway. I saw him talking with Kyungsoo and Kai. He looked frustrated.I approached them slowly intending to tackle Kris from behind him before a big mouth that was own by an owl called my name out loud

He then smile innocently at me while shrugging his shoulder.

I really hate that guy.

"Why did you called my name?!" I whined at Kyungsoo.

"Because I can" he shrugged fully knowing he managed to annoy me.

I rolled my eyes at him.

"And you" I said pointing my index finger at Kris.

"How dare you left me alone there looking like a fool,laughing all by myself." he just shook his head.

"You're not 'looking' like a fool you 'are' a fool." I turn my gaze toward the other boy only to find him smirking.

"You..Kim Jongin..You guys are so annoying! Baekhyunnnn !!! " I screamed Baekhyun's name as I ran across the hall.

Kris POV

"You..Kim Jongin..You guys are so annoying! Baekhyunnnn !!! " Chanyeol screamed Baekhyun's name as he ran across the hall.

"Pshh always running around calling Baekhyun's name when he feels irritated.Do they fuck or what ?" Kai said the last word out loud.


"IT WAS MEANT TO BE HEARD IDIOT !!" Kai yelled back.

Kyungsoo shook his head at both of them.

"Heyy look at that cute girl.Bye guys I have some 'bussiness' to handle.." Kai said smirking as he walk towards the squealing girl. soon as Kai left,Kyungsoo started to talk to me.

"So what are you going to do ?" huh

"what?" I replied him,frowning.

"You know,you saved her in front of all the people and they're very surprised by your action and so do I.You do know that she'll get nothing but being bullied more than before right?"

"What do you mean by that ?"

"Now I'm starting to think that you're the one who is an idiot.Yesterday, when you helped her and left the others dumbfounded,the girls are all jealous and I did hear one of them saying that she'll lives a miserable life after this."

"Well it's not my fault that I'm gorgeous.Don't worry,she's a tough girl and as long as I'm here she'll be safe."

Kyungsoo was going to argue when he was being cut off by a voice all of sudden.

"Who'll be safe?" Luhan said approaching us.

"Emmm..No one just Ace you know" I lied. I look at Kyungsoo to find him face-palming.

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