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Today is the last day she will be in Seoul.She'll be moving to the States tomorrow.As much as she hates it,she had no other choice.She left a piece of paper in the mailbox hoping that  her long lost bestfriend will comeback for her and read it .

As she walks around the neighbourhood for the last time,  the rain starts to pour heavily, she puts on her hood and runs towards the  playground that she used to play with her bestfriend, she saw  a figure sitting on the swing.

She knows very well who's that figure belongs to .Approaching him, her heart beats really fast .Less that the guy knows, she sits on the swing besides him.She heard him mumbling things but doesnt heard it clearly.

He looks miserable, hurt and betrayed .As if she feels the guy's misery she then took out her jacket leaving her in a plain black shirt and gave him the only thing that her late-mom left her .....The Jacket.

"My late-mum gave it to me .I always wear it when i feel cold and lonely .This is the most important thing to me than anything in this world but seeing you like this i think you need it more than me.Keep it .It'll keep you warm. Bye and stay healthy ..

...Sehun-ah" ...

That's the last word from her leaving the guy dumbfounded on what had just happened.

Meanwhile...The same day on the other side of the world ..

The door was slammed open,
"Oh..Chanyeol-ah my son, you're home? " said the old lady.
"Nope .No I'm not this is not my home." he replied.

"Come down for dinner later, we have something to tell you." Says his mom ignoring his son's cold behaviour.

"Whatever .I dont even care anymore .Go on, put sleeping pills in my dinner ." Chanyeol bluntly replied his mom and went straight upstairs.

His mum was clearly hurt with Chanyeol's word but she hid it knowing they were the reason he acted that way.

"We're sorry Chan-ah " her mom sighed as his son's figure disappeared from the stairs .

It has been like that ever since they move to California.Chanyeol tried to forgive his parents but he was not doing it for their sake but because of Soyeon.

"Yeollie, you must learn  on how to forgive people."

"But they hurt me...I-"

"Okay, how many times did they hurt you?"

"This is the second time .I'm not planning on forgiving them.No.Never."

" You cant be like that yeollie, dad said that we can take the first, second and the third one but after that is a no-no.Since this is the second time, they still have one last chance right? So why dont you give them the chance and ...forgive them? Em? "

"What if they hurt me again even after I forgave them? "

"If they hurt you after the third time, fight them.But whatever it is you must give them the chance .They might have their own reasons why they did that ."

"Okay, I'll forgive them but just because of you."

"Haha.That's my yeollie-pop ."  Says the little girl patting the boy's head.

Chanyeol's thought was interrupt by his mom calling him for dinner. Even though he didn't want to join,he still did,not wanting to disappoint his parents.There was a long silence until his dad said something that brings joy to Chanyeol.

"We'll come back home ."

Chanyeol's eye went wide not believing what his dad just told him .

" What do you mean by  'home' ?"

"Well,as you can see,we've stabilize our businesses here,so your mom thinks that it'll be nice if we can comeback to Seoul. We'll  be leaving in less than two weeks ."

"Jeongmal? Eomma? Appa? We're really going back? " asked Chanyeol excitedly .

"Yup. But you'll be leaving tomorrow to settle about your school and all.You just need to pack your clothes and important things only since you didn't bring that much of stuff when we moved here and we'll be living in the same house as before.Me and your mum will arrive in less than 2 weeks later since we have some stuffs to do for the company.Don't worry about your school here, we will settle it ." His dad replied with a smile.

"You might want to start packing, your flight will be leaving at 1 pm tomorrow ,"  His mom told him.

With that Chanyeol quickly finish his dinner and went straight to his room not forgetting to thank his parents.

Laying on his bed, facing the ceilings, he raised his hand enough for him to look at the bracelet on his wrist,

"Im coming back Yeonnie.Wait for me.I'll be back ."

Less than he knows, Soyeon had already done packing to leave Seoul at 2 pm on the next day.

The day Chanyeol was back will be the day Soyeon will go.

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