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No one's POV

Two weeks later

Soyeon refused to do anything. She skipped classes more often and her throbbing head was making the matter worst. Nate and Suzy tried talking to her but she kept hiding from everyone.

Sehun wasn't doing any better. The boys refused to talked to him including Luhan. He was fine until Luhan told him he won't talked to him unless he make the matter clear between them all.

He blamed it on Soyeon. If only she was not here none of this will happened. It was because of Soyeon he lost his friends. But he can't kept on lying to himself. He was the one who ruined everything but he can't help but got mad at Soyeon because no matter what happened she still had her friends and his friends.

He got no one. Not even Luhan. That was when he knew he fucked up real bad.


Soyeon's bedroom

"You need to go to school. It's been two weeks and you kept on skipping classes. We have a big exam in less than 3 weeks." Nate pleaded Soyeon. Suzy looked annoyed .

Kris, Chanyeol and Baekhyun was in the living room trying hard to think of a way to bring the old Soyeon back.

"Soyeon please." Suzy spoke this time.

"Shut the fuck up! You guys are nothing but a liar! Get the hell out of my face!" Soyeon spatted.

Suzy looked at her trying hard to keep calm."What? Soyeon . We were just trying to help-"

"Well I don't need any help! You guys are annoying! I don't need any of you!"

"You need us Soyeon . Plea-"

"Don't you understand?! I don't need anyone! You all are a fucking liars! Why the fuck are you even here! I don't want -" Suzy cut Soyeon.

"Okay that's it! You stop right there! We've been nothing but help you and trying to keep calm with your fucking insults everytime we do something but you know what. That's it. I've had enough with your shits! You're so stupid you know that! I don't even know why am I friend with you. Heck I didn't even want to in the first place . Neither does Nate. " Nate snapped his head at Suzy, pleading her to keep her mouth shut.

"What?" Soyeon looked at her weirdly.

"Suzy don't-"

"Why Nate? Don't what? She'd been calling us liars ever since we tried to help her. Now this liar will stop lying to you. That's what you want right? The truth? Well the truth is we never want to be your friend. "


"Suzy don't do this. This is not the time," Nate pleaded.

"We never want to be your friend. We were pretending to like you because Kris came to us and paid us lot of money to befriend with you. It was stupid really. We have to sacrifice our popularity by friending with a piece of useless shit like you."

Soyeon held her breath. No.

Told you no one would want to be friends with a useless person like you. Her mind was screaming at her.

"We even had to endure the pain at home when our parents know we've been friending with someone who lives with a hooker. But hey. Kris did paid us lots. Right Kris? " Suzy smirked looking at the guy standing by door clenching his fist.

"Shut up Suzy." Kris snapped.

"Oh why? Why would I? I don't want to be call a liar anymore. So I'm telling the truth. You know Soyeon, Nate never really like you in the first place. We knew how suicidal you are. How sick you are. Just like Dylan. You're nothing but a useless piece of shit." She snickered.

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