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I got out of the library and walked at now the empty hall. It was not everyday I went to the library.This the like my second time in here since I enrolled in this school.

I just really needed to finish my assignment because I already delayed most of it and my parents were furious when they find out about it.

I blamed it all on Oh Sehun and Park Chanyeol.

I passed our classroom, stopping my track when I heard the sounds of bickering. I tried to enter but stopped myself at the sight of Soyeon and Sehun.

That idiot never stopped.

I was able to hear some of Soyeon's words since she was shouting but I didn't make out the last word because she mumbled it.

I hid myself, not wanting to be caught by neither of them Especially Soyeon because one thing I learn in the past, never talked to an angry.

I managed to learn it the hard way.

Only Chanyeol can calm her

Only chanyeol

I sighed at the thought and decided to leave them, feeling a bit guilty for eavesdropping. I saw Chanyeol walking towards here.

What the hell was he doing here at this hour?

I furrowed my eyebrows and decided to use the other door because knowing Chan, he will not stopped bugging me with annoying questions on why I was here at this time.

He was so annoying.

I didn't want to tell him about me going to the library because he'll never let me get away without teasing me. Soon theother lads will know too.

He had a really big mouth.

I didn't even know how I dealt with him most of the time.

I managed to get out but something clicked me.


If Yeol saw her with her red eyes.

Uh oh.

I ran back and saw Soyeon bumping Chanyeol. I was too late. They were already talking but luckily I didn't see Sehun anywhere.

I heard Chanyeol asking her what happened. Her eyes were red and she looked very uncomfortable.

Chanyeol, for once learn to shut up.

"Are you guys dating? " she teased Chanyeol,avoiding his question but there was a glint of sadness in her tone.

I took that as a cue and walked behind Chanyeol, pretending that I just arrived there.

I interrupted their conversation and started 'bickering' with Chanyeol after I winked at Soyeon.

She shook her head and walked past us.I make sure she was nowhere in sight and slapped Chanyeol behind his head,tip-toeing a bit since he was taller than me.

Chanyeol groaned painfully and whined but then he started to panick as soon as he found Soyeon was nowhere to be seen.

"Chanyeol! Calm your ears! " Chanyeol cupped both of his ears his expressiins copying a sad puppy.

God help me.

"She's gone, can you stops whining like a girl."

"Where did she go? Ughh Baek~~"

"Can you just give her some time alone? She needs it ya know....after what happened" I mumbled the last part.

"What happened? Baek? You knew something didn't you? "

I should've keep my mouth shuts.

I'm pretty sure I mumbled the last part.

God blessed him with that ears.

He kept on shaking my shoulder to get an anwer.

"Yah! Stop! Okay okay I'll tell you.Calm down! "

He started grinning widely.

"Okay, shoot " he said waiting patiently with the grin still attached on his face.

"Stop grinning like that! It's creepy! "

"Just starts talking already. What happened? "

I open my mouth to starts the story but I was stop by no other Oh Sehun.

"Have you guys seen Soyeon? " sehun asked. I can't really read his face since he was good at keeping his emotions hidden.

Chanyeol opened his mouth but before anything comes out, he fell because he was push by an impatient sehun.

"You guys are so slow! Now I'm losing her! Ish! Now I have to wait until tomorrow! " he hissed angrily and started running towards the gate.

"What just happened? " Chanyeol ask dumbfounded with his body still lying on the floor.

"You okay Yeol? It must've hurts isn't it " I chuckled a bit. I help him stood with him glaring at me.

"What? I'm trying to help ya know "

"Yeah yeah whatever. Ugh that Sehun when will he stops. "

"I know right..."

"Why does he asked about Soyeon? "

I started to tell him what happened. Maybe that was a bad idea because now he was furious. His hands shaping into a tight fist, knuckles turning white.

"Yeol, calm down. I know you care for her but I bet she can handle herself. Besides if you did find Sehun and beat him to death, you think Soyeon will approves it? " he sighed sadly.

"She'll start asking why you did that and are you ready to tell her who you really are? " I asked genuinely curious.

"What if I am ready to tell her? "

"Let say you're ready to tell her but will you ready to accept the consequences? "

"What do you mean? " he said furrowing his eyebrows together.
"Well, you tell her who you really are, then what? It's okay if she forgives you, if not? Your relationship with her now is still fragile and if you tell her, it might break. Are you ready for that? "

I stared into Yeol's eyes. He looked like he was in a deep thought. He looked so scared and fragile.

I pulled the bigger guy into a hug. I heard him sniffle as he buried his head in my hair, hugging me tighly. I rubbed his back and whispered 'it's okay' 'I'm here' 'calm down' several times.

It hurt me to see him like this. He rarely cry but now he was always in tears ever since hw found out about Soyeon.

"Let's just wait yeah? When it's the right time and you really think you're ready, tell her okay? I'll always be here by your side.Don't worry."

He hummed agreeing with me not letting me go as he hugged me tighter.

I hope things went well for both of you.You've been through a lot and so did she.

Soyeon's POV

It was past 7 and the sky was getting darker so I decided to get home. I didn't walked straight home earlier. I went to the park that I used to go when I was little.

As I crossed the road, I saw someone who caused my breath to stop.


A bus passed through and the spot she was standing earlier was empty.

It must be my hallucination.

I guess I just miss her that much especially after what had happen today.

I smiled to myself at my silliness. How can a dead woman still alive.

I needed to stop imagining things. It was time to let go.


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