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Second day of school.yay.

I was standing in front of the school when the guards held me because they thought that I was just a random girl who wanted to sneaked in the school.

Who the hell wanted to sneak in a school? What a weird guard I wonder how they find these types of guards.

Didn't they see me yesterday?

"Don't try to fool us.You're not wearing the school uniform so you can't get in."

"Why can't I get in? You let me in yesterday, why not today?"

"Well..we don't know your purpose. You might want to rob this school."

Seriously? Rob? Who would want to rob a school? What am I going to rob? A book? A ruler? A bag?

I'd enough book in the house so why would I want to rob another book? I didn't even read it.

It make me sick just by looking at the text books now robbing a school?

"Okay then. Fine. I'll go I'm not in the mood to study anyway so thanks to you I can skip school freely." I said happily.

"Let her in.She's the new scholarship student that's why she doesn't wear our school's uniform" suddenly there was a voice behind me.

I turned my head and saw Kyungsoo.He just smiled at me and went into the school not forgetting to pull me with him too.

"Why did you do that? I could skip today if it isn't because of you" I snapped at him

"Why don't you wear the school uniform? Don't you have money to buy one? " he asled completely ignoring my whined earlier.

"The money only support school fees, foods and books oh and exams not including uniform.It's expensive so I didn't buy it yet." I sighed rolling my eyes.

"Oh.Want me to buy it for you ? "

"What? No-no.I want to buy it myself."

"O-Okay then.Have you seen your locker? What's the number ?"

"Oh not yet. I tried to yesterday but you know..." Kyungsoo nodded understanding

"It's 502 by the way.Can you show me?"


"It's 502 by the way.Can you show me?" she asked me with a

502? Wasn't that the special locker? Even Ashley can't get the locker.Looked like she was really 'his' daughter.

It was true then.

"Yah,Owl.Did you hear me ?"

"Uh-Ya. Sorry,by the way why did you called me owl?"

"Yep it was because of your eyes.Easierfor me to remember you."

"I wanted to call you squishy owl to be honest but it'll be too long so I'll stick with owl."

"Squishy owl? What the hell? No !! Don't ever called me that.Can't you come up with a manlier nickname?"

"Whatever I'm going to call you what I want to call you."

"You call me that and I'll stop befriend with you."

"Go ahead.Don't crawl back to me after you left me"

This girl.I'm supposed to say that.Haih.

"Whatever." I replied her.

"Here's your locker.I gotta go I have something to do "

The Jacket(Exo Sehun)✔Where stories live. Discover now