Crush on You

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No one's POV

It took a while for Soyeon to calm down and throughout the whole time, Ashley never let her go mumbling a soft I'm sorry and it's fine. Of course she knew that nothing was fine. The girl in her arms was literally having her life ruined by her biological mother but she couldn't do anything.

She knew about Soyeon being the daughter of one of the wealthiest person on earth. She knew everything about her except this. She always envy Soyeon for having such a wealthy man as her father. She had a wealthy father herself, yes but she always felt like it was not enough. She knew her father loved her and at this time she finally realised how lucky she was compare to Soyeon.

She thanked Soyeon for that.

Soyeon pulled away, her face was mees, her eyes were bright red and puffy. Tears stained on her cheeks and her lips was redder than usual.

Soyeon frowned "sorry" she mumbled as she saw the mess on Ashley's uniform.

They sat there for a moment before Ashley suddenly broke the awkward silent. "I'm sorry ......for everything....I didn't k-"

"It's okay. I'm fine" lie. Ashley shook her head.

"You can't say that when you just cried the hell out of you! It's -"

"Then what do you want me to do?" Soyeon snapped tiredly.

"Cry everyday? Being depressed? I don't want to do that. I don't want to live like that......not again" she whispered, feeling herself slowly starting to cry again but she held back.

Ashley sighed "how many" Soyeon looked at her confusely.

"How many people know about all of this?" Soyeon breath out mumbling "three".


"My two bestfriends at the States but they only knew half of it -not about the cutting......and you," she whispered slowly.

"Wait-What? So you're saying that Sehun didn't know about this? What about Chanyeol? You guys are bestfriend right?" she asked widening her eyes.

Soyeon shook her head."Pl-Please don't tell any of them," she begged.

She begged to Ashley.

"You can't kept this as asecret Soyeon. They'll find out. You know they will and when that happen-"

"They 'll leave me. They'll leave me Ashley-I -I can't afford them leaving me. I don't want to be alone ag-ain. Please- dont-tell them." She begged holding Ashley's forearm-tears cascaded down her face.

To say Ashley was shock was an understatement. She never ever saw Soyeon in such state. She was used to the sassy and annoying Soyeon but not this.

"I-I.........Okay," She finally agreed.

"But you have to promise that whatever happen after this you've gotta tell me," Ashley looked at her worriedly.

Soyeon frowned "why?"

"Because you might not be my favourite person on earth but at least you're not fake like most of my friends," She shrugged.

Soyeon contemplated whether to agree or not.

"Look, I know I've done wrong so many times towards you so let's just think this as an apology. Even though I still hate you ....a bit," Soyeon nodded not knowing what to say.

Ashley helped her and saw her cried. She didn't trust her yet but she was giving her a chance. Everyone deserved a second chance. Ashley helped her got up and as soon as they were up the door abruptly open.

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