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chapter edited

rewind from chapter 12
cyn: "i know your gonna be mad but.."
y/n: "..but what?"

cyn: "i slept with another guy.."
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
present time
y/n: "what are you trying to say?.."
cyn: "i.. cheated"

i cannot believe her rn. why, just why. why the fuck would she do that. is she stupid? idk what made her do that. i thought she loved mattia. how am i gonna tell him? he's gonna be heartbroken. i cannot with her anymore.

cyn: "y-y/n..? you still there-"
y/n: "no"

i hung up and starred myself in the mirror. i gotta tell alvaro. i got out and walked to the living room. alvaro looked up at me.

alv: "what did she need you for?"
y/n: "she slept with another guy."
alv: "she cheated?!?"
y/n: "yep. she did. i hung up on that bitch real quick."
alv: "how are we gonna tell him?"
y/n: "we can't tell him now."
alv: "then when?"
y/n: "maybe sometime this week."
alv: "he deserves better."
gian: "my boy got CHEATED ON?!?"
y/n: "why are you so loud?!"
gian: "always the blondes man"
i made a groupchat that didn't have mattia or cynthia in. i said something to get their attention.

 i said something to get their attention

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we waited for them to arrive

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we waited for them to arrive. man, how are we gonna tell mattia? they've been together for who knows how long. shit. a few minutes later, we heard a knock on the door. alvaro opened it and everyone was here. we welcomed them in and they sat down.

ale: "soo, what do you guys need to tell us about?"
rob: "did you vape?"
y/n: "robert! i don't vape"
rob: "sorry"
alv: "jesus man"
y/n: "listen, promise us you guys won't say a word to no one. no. one."
others: "ok" "promise"
y/n: "ok, so cynthia called me today and told me that.."
alv: "she slept with another guy"
y/n: "i told her what are you trying to say and says.."
alv: "she cheated."
ale: "nice prank guys"
ro: "got us laughing"
y/n: "you think we're joking?"
rob: "oh, they're serious"
kai: "i don't understand, why?"
alv: "we don't know"
kai: "what if its one of his other friends, i mean it could be anyone in the school, including his other friends, except us. we would never do that"
y/n: "stop, if its one of his other friends, it's gonna make the situation worse"
ale: "she's fucked up for that"
y/n: "how long have they been dating?"
ale: "since freshman year"
alv&y/n: "oh shitt"
rob: "aliens"
alv&y/n: "shut up"
y/n: "they been dating for that long now?"
kai: "yup"
alv: "now that's really really fucked up"
y/n: "idk but i don't wanna see her tmr at school"
rob: "don't you have first period with her?"
y/n: "oh fuck i do"
alv: "gonna be so awkward in class now"
kai: "especially since they got a class together"
alv: "who?"
kai: "mattia & cynthia"
ro: "oh crap"
rob: "when are we gonna tell him tho"
y/n: "idk, but sometime this week. we can't hide it from him"
ale: "she's right"
ro: "it's gonna be sad when he hears about it"
y/n: "yup, sure will."


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