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chapter edited

next morning
it was 11 in the morning. i took a quick shower and got dressed. i got my keys, phone and wallet and head out. i started the car and drove off. now, what stores would sell PS5s? i'm so dumb, of course Best Buy would. i made my way to the local best buy i usually go to. i got out and head in the store. i head to where the PS4 and PS5s were at. i looked through the aisle for any available PS5s, but i couldn't find any.

y/n: "fuck."

i asked the employee, who was working in customer service, if they had any in stock.

y/n: "excuse me, do you have any PS5s in stock?"

emp: "no, sorry. i believe they're available online."

y/n: "alright, thank you."

i left the store and got in my car. i searched for other best buy stores and found one. i turned on the gps and drove there.
i got there and got off. i went in the store and head to their gaming shit. i looked, and looked but couldn't find any. fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. i need to find one.

i didn't give up. i drove to the last best buy store and head inside. i went to the area and searched. i couldn't find any the first time, so i decided to look again. carefully. i , then see a PS5 box. oh shit, THEY HAVE IT! I FOUND IT! i got that shit real quick and head to the register. i took my card to pay for it. sheesh a lot of money. wasting it for a good reason. i got the bag, where the PS5 is in, and before i left, the cashier "psst" at me.

y/n: "hm?"
cash: "you cute ma, who's the PS5 for?"
y/n: "uhm, it's for my boyfriend.."
cash: "i bet i could do better than him, slide me yo number."
y/n: "no, fuck off. you should be doing your job, not stand around and act like a dick. hope you get fired asshole."

i left so quick. i was pissed at that cashier. who tf was he thinking? has a job just to get girl's numbers. ridiculous. i shook the thought away and got happy for getting the PS5. i went to target to get a birthday bag and other stuff. he's definitely gonna love this gift. i'm doing this cause, you know, he's the best thing that ever happened to me.

i got home and head upstairs. i put my wallet, keys, and phone on my desk and worked on wrapping the box. alvaro then looked up from his phone and noticed the box.

alv: "yoo, you got a PS5?!"
y/n: "no, it's a damn box with an image"
alv: "shut up. anyways, who's the PS5 for?"
y/n: "kairi. it's his birthday present, duh."
alv: "he's gonna love that shit, for sure."
y/n: "i know, he's been dreaming about this for a huge while."
alv: "always saying shit like "i WaNt A PS5" "i HoPe I gEt It SoMeDaY" and blah blah blah."
y/n: "what are you getting him?"
alv: "shit, idk. ima go to the mall tomorrow with mattia."
y/n: "mattia should get him something special."
alv: "why?"
y/n: "cmon now, he's kairi's man duh."
alv: "what, you and mattia sharing?"
y/n: "yurrr"
alv: "like deadass? is he bi or something?"
y/n: "your such a dumbass, do you not know the their ship name mairi joke?"
alv: "pfft yeah obviously, who doesn't?"
y/n: "apparently you. anyways, leave me alone. can't you see estoy ocupada?"
(estoy ocupada - i'm busy)
alv: "sheesh, my bad."

alvaro then left the room. i was working on the present before and after i ate. i love decorating stuff.


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