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chapter edited

next day - afternoon
it was the next day, and my parents were getting ready to go to my cousin's house, since it's my aunt's birthday. even though we're not supposed to be out rn, they don't really care. smh. it was just gonna be them two, the rest of us are staying home. it was around 6, and they had left. i was in the basement, while the rest were outside, in the backyard. kairi & i were texting back & forth.

 kairi & i were texting back & forth

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he facetimed me and i answered.

kai: "heyyyyyy babe"
y/n: "jesus, calm down on the ys"
kai: "why aren't you outside like the others"
y/n: "didn't feel like going out in the nature"
kai: "lazy"
y/n: "and what do you do at home, play videos games?"
kai: "i help my mom clean, the lazy one is maiya"
y/n: "boy don't lie"
kai: "shut up"
y/n: "man, i'm so bored being home all day"
kai: "i am too"
y/n: "alvaro said he wants to be famous during quarantine"
kai: "he sounds like an idiot. but hey, you guys are blowing up"
y/n: "i knoww, and i was surprised when our videos would go viral"
kai: "honestly, we're all tryna be famous during lockdown"
y/n: "you guys too??"
kai: "cmon, we all wanna be famous"
y/n: "you right, you right"
kai: "i'm even gaining followers on insta"
y/n: "me too. if i get a blue check on insta or tik tok, i'm gonna cry"
kai: "i think we would all cry"
y/n: "ima be screenshotting that shit and be like "GoT mY bLuE cHeCk!!" ima be hella happy"
kai: "at least you'll be happy"
y/n: "wym, i'm always happy"
kai: "nah, your always sad"
y/n: "liar, i'm not"
kai: "be in yo feels and shit"
y/n: "why would i be in my feels, when i have you"
kai: "cause you be missin me too mich"
y/n: "i mean, you're right about that but-"
kai: "you get in yo feels, now hush"
y/n: "no, it's called i like SINGING"
kai: "yeah yeah, whatever you say"
y/n: "how's things at home?"
kai: "we're doing fine, doing our usual things. maiya with tik tok, my mom either cleaning or watching shows, and me playing videos games AND cleaning"
y/n: "you knew what i was gonna say"
kai: high pitch vioce "sEe I tOlD yOu. aLwAyS pLayInG vIdEo GaMeS" mhm mhm"
y/n: "i don't sound like that, shut up"
y/n: "you know what, let's go outside"
kai: "finally"
y/n: "hush"

i went outside and seen alvaro and anna making a tik tok. gian kicked the soccer ball, which hit alvaro's head. glad i had my camera flipped around, so kairi could see. we all started laughing.

alv: "wyf, you bitch!"
gian: "i was practicing my kicking skills, sorry!"
anna: "it's in the video, we gotta post it!!"
y/n: continues to laugh "i'm gonna pee myself"
kai: laughing "gian's so fucking stupid"
y/n: "let me see the video"
kai: "me too"

i was looking at the aftermath of the video. the ending is where alvaro gets hit. we sll started laughing again.

alv: "it's not funny!!"
anna: "yes it is and i'm posting it, i don't care"
y/n: "let's all be her first likes and viewers
anna: "yes, get me views"

we were all viewing it and liking it, and commenting. it was so funny, i hope anna saved it. if she didn't, i'll simply screen record.

y/n: "did you save the video before posting it?"
anna: "duh"
y/n: "send it to me!!"
gian: "and mee"
kai: "me too, please"
alv: "fuck you guys"

anna then sent us the video. can't believe this dumbfuck got hit in the head.

anna: "ima post this when it's your birthday"
alv: "fuck you"
y/n: "ima go on the trampoline, if any of yall get hit, lmk"
alv: "shut up"
gets on trampoline
y/n: sighs "i wish you could be here, laying down in the trampoline with me"
kai: "aw you feel lonely, how sad"
y/n: "stopp, it's not funny"
kai: "wewewe, cry"
y/n: "why are you so mean, hurts my feelings"
kai: "i'm kidding, i wish i was with you too"
y/n: "no fuck you now"
kai: "after the rona yeah"
y/n: "such a bozo. other hands, i ain't ready"
kai: "i know and i understand, but i was joking. you know i like to joke around"
y/n: "me too, but you crossed the line"
kai: "oh shut up"
y/n: "might as well look at the sunset with you, virtually"
kai: "better in person but yeah"

we were looking at the stars, though he's on the other side of the screen, which is not the same. i felt lonely. gasps wait. i have the perfect idea. why don't alvaro, anna, gian and i make a fort on the trampoline and try to sleep in the trampoline? it'll be so fun!! if only we could do it with the group, but it'll be fun with my siblings.

y/n: "wait, i'll brb. don't hang up on me"
kai: "ok i'll hang up"
y/n: "kairi!"
kai: "i'm joking"

i chuckled and jumped off the trampoline and ran inside. i went upstairs. no sign of them. i think they're in the basement. i ran down and went into the basement. i found them, playing twister.

anna: "oww, you're hurting me!"
gian: "no, you're hurting me, you fatass!"
y/n: "GUYS"

i scared them, which made them fall. such idiots

alv: "what now"
y/n: "i have a good ass idea, and it's creative too"
gian: "what now"
y/n: "shut up. anyways, we should make a fort on the trampoline and try to sleep in it too"
anna: "i like it"
alv: "better than staying inside"
y/n: "we gotta bring blankets, pillows, snacks, and all that."
gian: "bet bet bet"
anna: "let's do it now!"
alv: "i'll get the camping tent shit to cover up the trampoline."
anna: "i'll get pillows and blankets and other things"
gian: "i'll get snacks"
y/n: "i'll get the snacks, you have no taste. go help anna with our stuff"
gian: "stfu"

alvaro got the tent, to cover up the trampoline. anna and gian were getting blankets, pillows, etc. i was getting the snacks. i brought my bag and looked in the pantry.
alvaro's pov
i was outside, and i heard something. i went up to the trampoline and seen y/n's phone. why is it making noises? i picked up her phone and seen she was on facetime with kairi. boy

alv: "sup kairi"
kai: "oh shit you scared me, sup. where's y/n?"
alv: "she's inside getting snacks. we're making a fort on the trampoline."
kai: "damn, sounds fun"
alv: "dw bro, i'll go live when we're done and i'll guest you"
kai: "bet, yall sleeping inside the trampoline too?"
alv: "yup"
kai: "yall are gonna have hella fun"
alv: "fr-hold on"
sets phone on table outside
alv: "your gonna watch me set this up"
kai: "oh you're covering the trampoline?"
alv: "obviously, i ain't tryna get damn mosquito bites"
kai: "you do have a point"

we kept talking, while i was setting it up.
y/n's pov
i was looking for more snacks, when the door opened. my parents had come home from the cousins.

mom: "que estas haciendo"
(what are you doing)
y/n: "agarrando snacks.."
(agarrando - grabbing)
mom: " y porqué muchos?"
(why a bunch)
y/n: "we're doing a fort en la trampolín."
(en la trampolín - in the trampoline)

i went outside, with my parents following me. we seen the trampoline covered, nothing inside yet. gian and anna are so slow.

dad: "no mames"
mom: "ustedes se van a dormir adentro?"
(you guys are gonna sleep inside)
alv: "yes, porfa"
(porfa - short for please)
kairi through the phone
kai: "oh-la sway-gra, oh-la sway-gro!"
(hola suegra, hola suegro - hi mother-in-law, hi father-in-law)
mom: "hola mijo!"
dad: "wa-sap"
y/n: "PFFT"

a few seconds later, gian and anna came outside with hella stuff.

gian: "oh, mom's here"
anna: "are we still aloud to do it"
mom: "esta bien"
(that's fine)
kids: "yes!!"
dad: "just make sure gianmarco does not get scared, es bien miedoso"
(es bien miedoso - he's a scaredy-)
gian: "mentirás!"

we laughed and my parents went inside. gian put the pillows and blankets inside, anna put other stuff inside. i put the bag of snacks inside and we all in. anna brought flashlights and our speaker. i connected to it.

alv: "alright bro ima go live, join it"
kai: "bet, cya"
alv: "cya cutie"
kai: "byee"
y/n: "weirdos"

alvaro went on insta and went on live. hella people were joining. sheesh

alv: "hey guys"
reads kairi's comment
alv: "guest me- ok"
guests him
kai: "was poppin bitch"
alv: "waddup brotha"
kai: "gotta show us the trampoline fort"
alv: "oh yes, guys so we made a fort inside our trampoline. we brought pillows, blankets, snacks, and a bunch of other shit. we're gonna be sleeing in here."
y/n: "finna be lit"
gian: "yessirr"
anna: "purr"
alv: "aye, whoever sleeps last gets to crack eggs on us."
y/n: "last to sleep challege?"
gian: "i'm in"
anna: "me too"
y/n: "gotta let the people know"
starts recording on tt
y/n: "hey guys, as you can see we've made a fort in our trampoline we're gonna do the last to sleep challenge and whoever sleeps last gets to crack eggs on the other 3. stay tune tomorrow. bye-"
others: "byee!!"
y/n: "always interrupting"

i posted the video on my tik tok went on with alvaro's live stream. later on ale and roshaun joined, which alvaro guested them as well. this is going to be a long night.


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