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chapter edited

in the car
kairi still had a broken leg. the boys and us take turns on giving kairi a ride to school and to his house, since his mom works early in the morning. we were on our way to his house. alvaro was still mad at me, so i decided to sit in the backseat. mad at me for something stupid. little ass kid.

we were outside of kairi's house. i got off and knocked on his door, letting him know we were here. he opened it and saw me. i lightly smiled. he gave me a smile back. i carried his bookbag. he closed the door and locked it.

kai: "btw, i'm not mad at you. if you thought i was, i'm sorry."
y/n: "i thought you would be mad cause i took maiya to my house without your permission."
kai: "well, i was only upset. besides that, i was never mad. i'm actually mad at maiya and gianmarco."
y/n: "let's get in before we come late and make alvaro more angrier than he already is."

we got in the car. alvaro and kairi dabbed each other up and starting making our way to school.
we got there and seen the group already there. we got off the car and greeted them.

ness: "is kairi mad at you?"
y/n: "no, just at maiya & gian."
vic: "poor maiya went home crying yesterday."
jen: "bitch ass kairi and alvaro made her cry."
ness: "what about gian?"
y/n: "mans was chillin."
vic: "i thought alvaro was gonna do something to him."
y/n: "i heard yelling while i was in my room, so i'm guessing they were arguing."

after school
i was waiting outside the school with kairi for the others. maiya then hit my mind.

y/n: "babe"
kai: "hm?"
y/n: "i wanna know what happened to maiya yesterday."
kai: "wym?"
y/n: "she ran out of my house, crying."
kai: "oh, right. we didn't talk during the car ride."
y/n: "who took you home?"
kai: "mattia."
y/n: "did you do anything to her when you guys got home?"
kai: "i was just telling her that she shouldn't be doing that at a young age."
y/n: "oh ok"
kai: "what about gian?"
y/n: "alvaro was yelling at him."
kai: "isn't he mad at you?"
y/n: "who? alvaro?"
kai: "mhm."
y/n: "oh, yeah. mad at me for something so stupid."
kai: "i mean, yeah it was stupid, but-"
y/n: "them almost kissing, i know i know. gian leaning in was unexpected. i promise you babe, i would never let them kiss just like that."
kai: "would've been worse if you guys didn't do anything about it and let him do what he was doing."
y/n: "i know, they should at least be grateful that we didn't sit on the damn bed, just listening!"

he smiled. the others finally came. we said our goodbyes and left. the car ride was silent.

y/n: "your cast comes off in a week!"
kai: "i'm know, finally! i'm already tired of walking with crutches under my armpits. though, i like leaving class 5 minutes early."
y/n: "must be stressful."
kai: "yeah, and i can at least drive again. i mean, i like being with you guys and everyone else, but i miss driving."
y/n: "not being able to drive for a while feels weird and depressing haha."
kai: "it really does. driving is my thing."

we got to his house. alvaro got off and helped him this time. i waved kairi goodbye. he waved back, and alvaro got in the car again. we drove off, car ride was silent again.

we arrived back to the house. i head upstairs, dropping off my stuff. i decided to go to gianmarco's room and talk to him. i knocked on his door and waited. he opened the door and saw me.

gian: "are you here to yell at me, too? cause if so, bye."
(𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚙𝚜 𝚍𝚘𝚘𝚛)
y/n: "i'm not here to do that, the hell. can i just please come in?"
gian: "fine."

he let me in. i turned around seeing alvaro infront of our room, looking at us, then gian closed the door.

y/n: "alvaro actually beat you up?"
gian: "no, just yelling."
y/n: "he's too much."
gian: "everyone knows that. anyways, why are you here again?"
y/n: "did you see maiya at school today?"
gian: "no shit i did, why?"
y/n: "was she mad at you?"
gian: "no. i bet your next question is "dId ShE tAlK tO yOu?"."
y/n: "yeah, answer it."
gian: "yeah she did. i thought she would be mad at me, but i guess not."
y/n: "nice to know she isn't mad at you."
gian: "i know right. we've been texting back and forth."
y/n: "rightt, you have her number. i forgot you gave it to her."
gian: "how do you know??"
y/n: "you know how nessa went into your room to get her phone?"
gian: "yeah"
y/n: "she was on the phone with me. we used my phone to listen to you guys talking."
gian: "huh"
y/n: "nvm my point is, we were listening to yall's conversation from my phone."
gian: "how though?"
y/n: "you know what, nevermind."
gian: "alvaro's still mad at me."
y/n: "he's still mad at me, as well."
gian: "he's mad at you?"
y/n: "yup"
gian: "for what?"
y/n: "for leaving you and maiya alone in the room."
gian: "what a dickhead."
y/n: "yep"

i was turning off my phone and charging it. i placed it on my nightstand and got comfortable on my bed.

alv: "why did you go in gian's room?"
y/n: "cause he's my other brother? what's wrong with that?"
alv: "what were you guys talking about?"
y/n: "why do you need to know what we were talking about?"
alv: "cause i want to."
y/n: "no, i don't have to tell you what we were talking about."
alv: "so you guys were talking shit about me?"
y/n: "just cause i don't want to tell you, doesn't mean we were talking shit. you're so quick to assume. calm your ass down. you're mad at me for something stupid and childish. grow tf up, alvaro. you're 18, not 13."
alv: "you're childish, too, so don't even talk."
y/n: "how am i childish? actually, i don't wanna argue anymore. i'm already tired of hearing you being a dick. i just wanna go to sleep and go on with my damn life."

and with that, i fell asleep right away.


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