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chapter edited

it was finally monday: kairi's birthday. i posted him on my ig story. sheesh, he gotten a lot of birthday wishes. i couldn't wait to give him the PS5. he said he was gonna have a birthday dinner with his family, which is great! then after that, his mom invited us to their house for cake.
at school
though, it sucks to have your birthday on a school day, but that doesn't stop kairi having a good time on his day.
we were at our spot like usual. birthday boy came and we all hugged him. i hugged him the longest, ofc.

y/n: "happy birthdayy babee!"
kai: "thanks babe! thank you guys!"
alv: "manz finally 18, took a while."
kai: "shut up."
y/n: "ook, well i got you a small gift cause your other gift is for later, of course."

i gave him a ring cause he likes wearing rings.

kai: "oh shit, thanks baby!"
y/n: "your welcome! now, let's go in before the bell rings."

the bell rung and we all head to our first class.
after school
i got home and head upstairs. i took a quick shower and put on comfortable clothes for now. i cleaned up my side of the room. alvaro is such a fucking mess. anyways, i put on the fit for tonight. i started doing my makeup. just a natural look, that's all. don't want so much makeup on my face. after that, i put this setting spray, so the makeup could stay on. alvaro came in the room.

alv: "bruh, who gets ready so damn early?"
y/n: "it's almost 6:10, he's having dinner rn. if i get ready at the last minute, we're gonna be late. so you better shut your mouth up."
alv: "sHiVeR mE tImBeRs."

i rolled my eyes.

y/n: "go clean your side of the room, it's a fucking mess. also, go shower. you fucking stink."
alv: "damn, your so judgemental."
y/n: "i'm not, i'm just being honest with you rn."
alv: "you hurt my feelings."
y/n: "yOu HuRt My FeElInGs."

i mocked him.
at kairi's house
we were at kairi's house now to celebrate. we put his presents on a table. we sang "happy birthday" and recorded him blowing his candles. it was now time for him to bite the cake. little did he know, we were gonna push him. hispanic tingz.

ale: "bite it already!"
kai: "you guys are gonna push me, i'm not stupid!"
alv: "stop being a pussy and bite it!"
ness: "yall are so harsh, chill outt."
tia: "just bite it kai, do it for me."
rob: "yo that's madd sus."

kairi's face was so close to the cake, the boys pushed him real hard down the cake. we all started laughing so hard, i was recording too. kairi lift his head up and the part where kairi bit the cake was smooshed. we laughed even harder seeing that part.

kai: "you mother fuckers!"
tia: "aye, alvaro did all the pushing."
alv: "your lying! they all did it with me!"
rob: "we did it but alvaro definitely carried."
alv: "fuck yall."
y/n: "who cares, what matters is that yall pushed him!"
kai: "woww"
vic: "here's some napkins."
kai: "thanks."

he said, cleaning his face. the boys helped kairi clean up some cake mess they made. we ate some cake and head to the living room. i sat on the floor, while the others either sat on the floor as well, or on the couch. he opened up alvaro's gift. it was a ketchup phone case with his name on it. though, kairi doesn't like ketchup. ketchup is so good smh.

kai: "a ketchup phone case?"
alv: "your blind."
kai: "huh?- ooh i see it."
alv: "yeahh."
kai: "wait, don't you have the exact same case, with your name on it too?"
alv: "yep, now we're matching!"
kai: "weirdo, but thanks!"

he set the case down and went on with the next gifts.
y/n's gift
it was now time for him to open mine. ooo i'm nervous but excited!! he's gonna love it for suree!

kai: "damn, it's heavy asf. what did you get me??"
y/n: "open it dummy!"

he opened the bag and seen the PS5 box wrapped in wrapping paper. he opened it, and he was surprised!

kai: "your lying.."
y/n: "nope. open it to see it yourself."
kai: "this is for me?!"
y/n: "happy birthday!"
kai: "WTFF"

he hugged me and we stayed like that for a while.

rob: "ima find myself a girl one day."
ale: "goodluck with that."
alv: "vic, take notes."
vic: "boy"
ness: "we'll pass the notes to jenna tomorrow."
tia: "geeks."

we eventually let go, and he sets the box down. it seemed like he was crying. aww

kai: "man, it's been a while since i cried."
ale: "i know i know, having a PS5 is a big deal. i mean, if i were you, i would be crying too!"
rob: "i think we all would."
ro: "you'd be crying for not having a girl."
rob: "who needs a girl to buy you a PS5, when i can buy it myself."
alv: "where will you get the money tho?"
rob: "are you calling me poor?"
tia: "as if you were rich alvaro."
y/n: "no bro cause you should see his side of the room during the day."
ness: "he ain't clean?!?"
alv: "i am clean! she's talking about the other side of me. the lazy side."
kai: "when are you not lazy?"

we all started laughing.

alv: "haha, veryy funny."
vic: "what time is it?"
ale: "it's 10:36."
vic: "i need to be home."
ale: "right. well, we're gonna head out. once again, happy birthday bro!"
vic: "bye guys, happy birthday kairi!"
kai: "bye! thanks for coming and the gifts!"

they smiled and left.
everyone else had left as well. it was just kairi, alvaro & i.

alv: "alright, let's go."
y/n: "wait, don't you remember? no school tomorrow."
alv: "why?"
y/n: "juniors have to take this one ACP test. we took it last year, remember?"
alv: "oh that shit. anyways, what about it?"
y/n: "i'm spending the night here. before you even ask, yes, i asked mom & dad and they allowed it."
alv: "fine. i'm picking you up at 8 am, be ready."
y/n: "fuck off and leave."
alv: "whatever, anyways bye and happy birthday bro!"
kai: "thank you bro!"

alvaro then left. we head up to kairi's room. i changed into my pjs, so did he. we got on the bed and cuddled.

y/n: "honestly, my favorites parts from today were when you got pushed hella hard in the cake, and you being happy."
kai: "they pushed me hella hard, i could've had a concussion or something."
y/n: "THAT side of the cake was ruined!"
kai: "i just wanna thank you again for the PS5. i could not imagine myself having it at this moment."
y/n: "i kept searching for that shit no matter what."
kai: "must've been so stressful huh?"
y/n: "yess, it was. ohh, lemme tell you-"

i told him about the cashier trying to get my number. ew, i hate thinking about it.

kai: "what a stupid ass. he should be doing his job and not fuck around like a dickhead. someone should report him for what he's doing."
y/n: "let's hope."

we were watching a movie, to the point where i got hella tired and fell asleep. kairi noticed and covered my body with a blanket. he kissed my forehead and fell asleep.

kai: "thank you for today."

he said, before sleeping.
i smiled. i'm glad he had a good time.


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